Fehlfarben – Handbuch fuer die Welt
Various – The Wire Tapper 17
Ordonez – Symphonies
Various – Ibiza Euphoria
Up at 6:10 and spent a couple of hours working what to see at this year’s Edinburgh Film Festival...
All in all, the various Edinburgh Festivals are spread out over around six weeks starting from next weekend and I’m going to try and see as much as possible, be it jazz, classical, opera, comedy or film – and the diary’s starting to fill up nicely...
People are asking if I’m doing anything at the Festival this year following performances in 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 but I’ve not had any suitable offers this year and, in any case, I’ve only got a few spaces to fill now over the next six weeks so it’ll be a nice coincidence if I’m offered a particular date...
Which leaves the Aberdour date next Sunday...
I woke Anne at 7:45 and we were breakfasted and out less than an hour later as she was off to the optician while I had my regular podiatry appointment – my “carer”, Helen is expecting a baby in the autumn and so this was my last date with her...
I didn’t go uptown but returned home to book tickets for our 13 chosen films – three were already sold out but 10 films in 11 days is probably enough for anyone (unless you’re a film critic)...
Then I set about preparing for next week...
I’m currently rehearsing 16 of the 20 songs from the forthcoming album and will finalise the setlist shortly – I experimented today with three or four different mixtures...
Also watched some golf today - with my headphones on to block the commentary of course, listening to weird music (The Wire Tapper 17, my 51st “free” CD from this magazine) followed by some uplifting 18th Century classical stuff...
There really ought to be a way of blocking out the wittering nonsense that the commentators talk on sports programmes – I mean, the crowds who are actually at the event don’t need anyone talking into their ears incessantly, so TV viewers ought to be given that choice too...
And of course all the so-called experts were going mental for Tiger Woods before the Open even started and I said to Anne on Thursday he wouldn’t win it...
Looks like I’ll be right...
In the evening, following our first Indian takeaway for several weeks, a police frenzy as we watched the last two episodes of the season of “CSI : New York” followed by a taped and a “live” “Law & Order”...
As Anne dragged herself off to the Land of Nod, I stayed up till 1am watching the excellent “Insomnia” starring Al Pacino and Robin Williams...

Highlight of the Day : Filling up the diary
Hi David,
I've not heard any decent JAZZ at the Fest for many years. If you hear of CERTAIN good stuff, then let me know and I'll even go with you. Dood, dennis@dennishamilton.co.uk
Cheers Dood - will mail you privately with my schedule
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