Various Composers - Best Of Baroque Music
Various Artists - The Brazilian Funk Experience
Slowly Rolling Camera - Juniper
Various Composers - Heatwave
Various Artists - The Very Best Of Éthiopiques: Cult Hits From The Original Series
Various Composers - Studio Uno 66
Binkbeats - Highwire [Single]
Spooky Tooth - It's All About
Moby - All Visible Objects
Joni Mitchell - Dreamland
Ippolito - Songlines
Roger Waters - Pros & Cons of New York
Joni Mitchell - Dreamland
Various Composers - Fromm Music Foundation : Twentieth Century Composers Series
Taylor Swift - Folklore
Kansas - The Absence of Presence
Fripp & Eno - (No Pussyfooting) (Definitive Edition)
Sherwood - A Different Light
Hans de Vries/HenkGuittart/Ivo Janssen - Trios
Various Artists - Feelin' Soulful
Various Artists - This is...The Front Line
Various Composers - Classic CD Vol 1
Various Artists - Pulp Fusion Bustin' Loose
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Cage
Various Artists - A Blue Conception
The beast was waiting and listening...
Anyway, breakfast as we awaited a call re the car...
...and did some work re the decoration of the boxes...
This side of the room is now fully done...

A box of non crystal case CD singles, plus 25 boxes of various artist comps and soundtracks, plus the classical and jazz collections...
...while suitable frames have been ordered for two completed pieces, initially, to try them out...
A tasty Mexican based tea followed...
...and I had a seat and pondered the remaining work...
...bought in Amsterdam on 6 December 1982...
That was the start of a now almost 40 years of buying her releases....
Also today, work continued on this, which should be out on Bandcamp on 7 August...
That's the plan anyway...
Lights out...
Highlight of the Day : Working on a new release...
..and my goats were chomping at the proverbial bit and the chariot was being readied for action...
Yes, it was Thor’s Day...
The new room, in case you missed it...
The beast was waiting and listening...
A Twitterchum showed his amp set up...
I advised that would be unacceptable to the EP, however, this was perfectly fine...
Out and down the road to have the chariot's tyres checked over...
Some wandering around but it seemed it would be taking longer than expected so a bus back up the hill...
...including, onboard, some chat about this book..

...which led me to post this and reminisce about our time in Bremen...
Anyway, breakfast as we awaited a call re the car...
...which duly came, a couple of hundred quid's worth of work (for two tyres basically) and Anne went to collect (as I'd delivered), while I listened to another new arrival...
...and did some work re the decoration of the boxes...
This side of the room is now fully done...
A box of non crystal case CD singles, plus 25 boxes of various artist comps and soundtracks, plus the classical and jazz collections...
...including the newly decorated four boxes of jazz comps at the foot of this section...
Good news - Anne has finally started the next painting...
...while suitable frames have been ordered for two completed pieces, initially, to try them out...
A tasty Mexican based tea followed...
The avocado stone stops the guacamole from drying out apparently...
Chilis, obvs...
..and fajita filling...
Later, the top couple of rows of the other side of the room also done...
Random LP of the day, late on, was this, Mathilde Santing's debut 10"...
...bought in Amsterdam on 6 December 1982...
That was the start of a now almost 40 years of buying her releases....
She is, of course virtually unknown around the world...
The rest of the world's loss...
...and closed the day with some more Copland - "Fanfare for the Common Man" from this nice 3CD set...
Also today, work continued on this, which should be out on Bandcamp on 7 August...
That's the plan anyway...
Lights out...
Highlight of the Day : Working on a new release...
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