Thursday, July 11, 2024

The crazy trio...

Various - Cloudland Blue Eclectic Selection 2024 Vol 27
Matthew Shipp - New Concepts in Pino Trio Jazz
DDHR - It Can Only Get Better
DDHR - Reporting to Remote Control
Sombre Reptiles - The Second Set
SML - Small Medium Large
Various - Cloudland Blue Eclectic Selection 2024 Vol 28
Crazy Wisdom - OOTB Rehearsal
Cloudland Blue Quartet - OOTB Rehearsal
Sault - Acts of Faith 0.0
Outlander - The Valium Machine

Started the day with last night's podcast recording...

...and some coffee...

Just before 10, down the hill with Anne for a meet up with old chums Raymondo and Bernardo...

We went to Benito's Deli...

It was really rather good - coffees and morning rolls all round and good chat...

Then, a walk with them along to Tesco where we bade them farewell...

Into Lidl for a couple of things...

I noted that the boxes which hold their German bread might be good for CD storage...

Anyway, along to Anne's mum's place to pick up some stuff for the dump and to take pics of furniture items which family members or friends might want...

This to Lynn...

This to charity - although I have taken the smaller version for the back room...

This to charity...

This to Rebecca...

These, once owned by my mum's Aunt Elsie and Uncle Bill, to sister Sheila...

This to Rebecca...

These to Keith...

This mirror to charity...

This, plus a matching dressing table to Rebecca...

Home and rehearsing for tonight, recording the CBQ songs too...

A tasty Chinese from Wongs pre exit, then, the two rehearsals soundtracked my drive over to the Safari Lounge...

Managed to get an early slot by being second to arrive - Malcolm was later, so Crazy Wisdom's slot was post 10pm...

First on, Janice McCusker, with four acapella items...

Count Brodski arrived mid set...

Didn't get an action shot of next act, "Thin as Memories", but here he is enjoying the sounds of Pixie Moonshine...

Next up, Mr CBQ, managing to botch "This is All There Is" with a rogue wrong chord - so I repeated the section "for the tape" and "Hollow Man" (Brodski co-write) played in 3/4 time for some reason - seemed to be ok though - while The Counting House was fine and, indeed, dandy...

Pic is a still from Brodski's video...

Pixie Moonshine played three songs - from her teens, her twenties and her thirties, as today was her 40th birthday...

Elsie MacDonald popped in with two songs and a sore wisdom tooth before heading off for some Novocaine...

Calum Carlyle suffered problems re having brought an electric guitar and amp - ended up playing the house guitar...

He was joined after 2 songs by Nyk Stoddart and, between them, they provided a rather chaotic six song set..

Then, Malcolm's fave of the night (as he was reminded of Violent Femmes), debutant Paul Hichens from Carluke via Hartlepool but in Edinburgh visiting his girlfriend...

And then, Crazy Wisdom took to the stage for only the second time in 25 years - the picture is from the video taken by third member but unavailable for rehearsals, Count Brodski...

All went well, despite Malcolm's nerves and we played "Ocean", "Nineteen Sixty Something" (Brodski co-write) and "Nothing Lasts Forever"

Second debutant of the evening was Dublin's Aisling Kavanagh, now living in Edinburgh - she only had two songs but, for me and Brodski, was best of the night - hopefully she will be back...

And, finally, host Grant Robertson gave us just one song - about how crap swimming pools for adults are - complete with kazoo...

A good end to proceedings...

A lift home for Brodski...

...who seemed to have very much enjoyed the Crazy Wisdom night out...

..and for Malcolm, back out to Balerno..

Home at midnight, with Fang looking for and receiving some Dreamies at the back door...

A good day...

Highlight of the Day : Performing...

Today's New Music:-

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