Saturday, July 13, 2024

Here come the gulls...

Bryan Ferry  - The Platinum Collection
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Covers BTs 2024
Cloudland Blue Quartet - The “In” Crowd
Phish - Evolve
Mark Giuliani - MARK
Matthew Bourne - This Is Not For You
Kessoncoda - Outerstate
Bryan Ferry - A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (Single)
Bryan Ferry - You Go To My Head (Single)
Bryan Ferry - The 'In' Crowd (Single)
Brian Eno - Eno (OST) (Pre Release)
Cloudland Blue Eclectic Selection 2024 Vol 28

Up and to the machines...

...and the kitchen... is usually the case...

Four old Bryan Ferry singles have just been released to streaming sites - I partook of them all...

It then occurred to me that Bryan Ferry's "The In Crowd" would be a good and, indeed, easy track for the boys to learn and play...

So I set about learning and playing it...

And recording it too...

Then, later, some rehearsing for the gig...

...but there was only time for the new to the set songs...

...and I didn't finish them all before we had to leave - sending the song sheet and my recordings (Vox/Gtr and Full Band) of "The In Crowd" to the band before we exited...

Along to Anne's mum's and parked then a walk to Dalry...

A march...

The Maroon Mile - to commemorate the 150th anniversary year of the club but, also, the players who volunteered to go to war in 1914 and did not return...

Not sure if Anne realised there was a pipe band following her as she walked to Tynecastle...

We were attending Hearts' first fixture of the season, a friendly against Leyton Orient, the first meeting of these two "ancient" clubs (1874 and 1881) - and apt, in that The O's too had had players volunteer for WWI...

Our old friend Ann Park, Director of Community & Partnerships at Hearts, can be seen here between the pipers...

We were in the new stand...

Anne's usual stand was closed today... her usual seat...

10,000 attended this friendly in the other three stands though, including just over 1,000 Orient fans...

There were also around 100 seagulls in attendance and their antics were almost as entertaining as the football..

Hearts went ahead in 5 minutes, after a shocking defensive error but, eventually, The Orient pulled back - and then scored what turned out to be the winner, almost straight from kick off in the second half...

A reasonable run out for the teams - loads of subs - in fact Orient swapped their entire 10 outfield players at half time...

Meanwhile, in Dumfries, after a 5:15 kick off in the League Cup, Queens went down 3-0 to Aberdeen...

Concentrating on the league already...

Anne walked to her mum's home - she had been quite ill this morning but now not too bad...

I made my way home with the car and came back to bring Anne home later on, post her visit...

Fang popped by again...

..and my solo viewing left me with just the final episode of the Russian Robot Thing to go...

Lovely cheese and caramelised onion quiche salad for tea and we started a new thing with the same main female lead as "Bodkin", "Obituary"...

Late on, Anne noted the "Eno" film is on at the Cameo, so we booked tickets for tomorrow at 5:30...

Looking fwd to that...

Lights out...

Highlight of the Day : Hearts v Leyton Orient

Today's New Music:-

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