Cloudland Blue Quartet - Three EPs 2007
Happy Apple - The Peace Between Our Companies
No telly today as I started off by reworking the long ambient piece I put together late last year "Hey Hollywood Nimrod" by adding some stonking jazz fusion drums in a Billy Cobham stylee...
Early evening we headed to the High Street to Pancho Villa's, one of our favourite Mexican restaurants, for a belated birthday meal for Anne after Monday's damp squib...
We were off to Jim Park's new comedy club at the Holyrood Tavern, "The Electric Mouse Comedy Club" and so were taking the opportunity of dining beforehand on some tasty salsa based delights...
There was a good turn out at the club, including Martin, my erstwhile footie colleague and globe-trotting physics lecturer (just back from three weeks in India no less) and Pete, who we've not seen since the night of Jim's dad's funeral almost a year ago - how time flies...
The first guy on was from Dundee, swore a lot, and used comedy facial expressions. He was quite funny and showed potential (I'll say right now that I have nothing but admiration for anyone who goes into stand-up but you wouldn't catch me doing it)...
Next up was a young man from Paisley (I used to live there when I was wee) - possibly a very early gig in his career and he all but died on stage, only pulling things slightly out of the fire at the end with a sing song involving various percussion instruments handed out amongst the crowd - I played triangle expertly and answered in the affirmative when asked if I was a policeman...
Then it was Jim's turn and his opening gambits had me in stitches - he used a clipboard to read out the questions from an imaginary survey he was doing - you had to be there though - read his blog for more...
A young man from carlisle got a quick slot before the headliner, Paul Sinha, who was superb and worth the entry fee of £4 on his own...
A very, very funny gay hindu part-time GP no less...
Heartily recomended...
After the show, Jim confirmed he was up for reconvening the Capital Models Three with Jamie and I for possible gigs over the next couple of months but rehearsals still need to be arranged and arrangements still need to be worked out etc etc...
On the way back to the car, Anne and I were attacked by a balding, rucksack wearing idiot who had just knocked over around 30 yards of traffic barriers put in place to provide a temporary walkway along side some building works...
After destroying these, he came after us, threatening us with all sorts...
What a nutter...
He seemed to believe we weren't from Edinburgh and so ought to leave the city as quickly as possible - and also offered to remove my testicles with a knife if he caught me...
Of course these beliefs and offers were made in some quite unsavoury language I can tell you...
We made a quick getaway and jumped into the car...
I know I ought to have driven after him, run him down and then reversed over his convulsing, dying body but, somehow, it made more sense to do a U-turn and head for home...
What a nutter...
Back home I did some more quick work on the new music including an initial cover mock up...
I think I have finished three five track EPs for release shortly...
Each will contain:-
Two acoustic songs (so six in all - five new ones, written post "The Acoustic Ersatzreal" last summer and the Myspace mix of "I Still Write You Letters" featuring Mr James Jamieson on 2nd guitar)
A song remix (the three I've been working on over the last week)
A small piece of electronica - my initial experiments on the new set up
And a mix on each of the long ambient piece...
I might use one of these photos on the covers....

Probably not though...
An interesting evening...
Highlight of the Day : Jim's comedy club/Mexican meal
Do you know what? You look the same from all angles. Incredible!
Hmm - don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing....
It's a good thing. I have a Good Side, a Bad Side, and an Oh-My-God-She-Is-A-Dog Side.
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