Various – 100 Songs for a trip to London
Barclay James Harvest - Another Arable Parable
Up at 5 and a taxi to the airport at 5:45. My flight was at 6:55 though we didn’t leave till 7:25 – still arrived almost on time at London City airport, 8:25 – then a taxi to Fenchurch St where I listened to three presentations on “the future”. Around 12:30, we walked to Tower 42 where we took the lift to Gary Rhodes’ restaurant on the twenty fourth floor for an excellent lunch. Then another brisk walk back to Fenchurch St, one last presentation and a cab back to the airport for the flight back to Edinburgh...

Anne picked me up at the airport and we drove home for me to have a quick change of clothes – then to the Queens Hall to meet up with Dr Prog and his brother for the Barclay James Harvest gig...
I went with an open mind and was very pleasantly surprised. Never the world’s most fashionable group, BJH nonetheless have a great back catalogue of material and, let’s not forget that, from 1968 to around 1973/4 they were “players” on the British music scene..
Highlight for me was “Mockingbird”, one of the first singles I bought back in 1972 (though it was originally released in ’71)...
Here they are in 1970...

The two guys on the outside, John Lees and Woolly Woolstenholme played tonight. The one with the curly hair, Les Holroyd has his own version of BJH of whom the fourth member Mel Pritchard, was a member until his death in 2004...
As an added bonus tonight, support was provided by Geofrey Richardson of Canterbury legends, Caravan...
Dr Prog hung around to chat and get some autographs but I headed home on the bus...
A long day
Highlight of the Day : Being surprised by BJH
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