Cloudland Blue Quartet – Deeperdown
Various – Jukebox on Shufflepay
Jakko M. Jakszyk – The Bruised Romantic Glee Club
Isotope – Deep End
Francoise Hardy – Messages Personnels
Went to bed but ended up listening to music almost all night. Once the CBQ album (which is brilliant by the way and you really ought to buy a copy) ended, I fetched the jukebox, which plays for 60 mins before shutting down automatically. I recall restarting the machine at least four times and I also got up at 4 to take more painkillers...
In the morning, it seemed a big improvement had taken place and I thought I was well on the mend...

Late afternoon and evening though, the pain in my arm kicked in big style and the painkillers appeared to have little effect...
Watched two episodes of “Coronation St” and “Have I Got News For You” whilst applying an icepack...
A call from Mr Stu Cobley of Creek alerted me to the “Royal Tannenbaum” film, for which we set the video before retiring...
Glad to get to bed...
Highlight of the Day : A call from Cobblers
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