Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The sun goes down too soon...

Tool - 10,000 Days


The Jukebox micro soldering has worked and the box is fixed. Of course I didn't do it myself as my sausage like fingers are too large for such intricate work...

That may also be a reason why I am such a no-hoper guitarist - along with my lazy non-practising ways of course...

I'm told the volume control switch on the box is very "tender" and so I will need to maintain volume at the same level from now methinks...

Notwithstanding my assertion above re rehearsing, I ran through a few older songs tonight which I might play tomorrow at Out of the Bedroom..

One of them was "The Sun Goes Down Too Soon" from my album "Anotherhappyday" - a song I wrote relating what happened the day my dad died - three years ago tomorrow...

The final lyrics changed quite a bit from the first draft and the song ended up being about me and Anne and all the good times we've had together but reflecting on how quickly time passes...

When I was going through all my stuff while tidying out the back room last week, I came across the hand written drafts of the original lyrics and it brought the day back to me - a Sunday morning, up early as usual, sitting at the computer, then listening to some music on the headphones...

I didn't hear the phone ring so Anne got out of bed to answer and came running to tell me my mum was on the phone and that my dad had collapsed and she'd called an ambulance..

I sped along the ring road as fast as I could but, by the time I got there, my dad was already unconcious and the medics were doing their best to revive him with drugs...

They tried for quite a while but, as I sat there on the settee with my mum, I knew it was all over..

Not a good day..

But my dad was such a funny man, he wouldn't want me to sit here all maudlin, typing away about how sad I was that day - he'd want me to be remembering all "the good times, the laughing and the joking" as the song goes...

Ah yes, we had some good times along the way me and my dad and I should remember them above the day I failed to get home quickly enough to say goodbye...

Highlight of the Day : Jukebox fixed again


Cloudland Blue Quartet said...

Yes indeed - where would we be without Dads? Not here anyway...

Cloudland Blue Quartet said...

Good point Stu - now all I need is a time machine and some cash...