Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Well, if yesterday was a bit of a "nothing" day, today was a bit of a "something" day...

I could've gone to an old friend's 40th but the times were such that I would have missed the surprise...

I'd already dropped myself from the 5-a-side squad in preparation...

Then, before I could announce revamped teams, someone else dropped out and I re-joined the squad knowing that I'd have missed out on the party anyway due to logistics - so even if I couldn't party down, I could still enjoy a game of footie...

The teams were once again well matched using the CBQ weighting method and my team, black, were in the lead by a goal or two for most of the first 45 minutes. Then white went ahead..

At around 7:50, I was going for a 50/50 ball against me old mucker Jim Park. He managed to reach it fractionally before me (all this was happening at the frightening pace which two overweight 46 year olds can produce after 50 minutes of 5-a-sides)...

I ended up going over petty badly (well, very badly really) on my left ankle, which emitted a very loud crack as I sailed through the air like a catapulted elephant...

One hour later (8:55) I was in A&E at the very stupidly positioned new Royal Infirmary - miles from anywhere...

30 minutes later I was seen by a nurse and around 30 minutes after that had had a few X-Rays down...

It was now 10:10...

At 1:45, after sitting shivering in my T-shirt and shorts with one bare foot for FIVE hours, I was seen by a doctor - one of only two on duty...

No doubt the government which spends so much on bureaucrats in the National Health Service to measure stupid targets instead of actually employing DOCTORS would say "Aaah. But you were seen after just 30 minutes". Incompetent arses! (the government not the NHS staff)

Anyway - transpires I've broken my ankle...

So a plaster cast was applied and then I was given an appointment at the fracture clinic on Friday at 10.15 to decide if I need an operation on my leg to insert a pin...

Rather ironically, this is exactly the same time as my just arranged doctor's appointment to see about my extremely sore left arm - the pain in which is now almost sickening when it arrives with ever more increasing often-ness (ok I know that's not a word but I can't be bothered thinking of the one I mean)...

And now the arm pain will no doubt be be exacerbated by being on crutches...

Not great....

Can't drive/walk/go up or down stairs without a huge palaver/luckily can sit at my computer for short periods before having to lie down - which is what I'm going to do now...

Certainly can't promote the new CD...

I must thank Jim for driving to get Anne from our house so she could collect our car from the Sports Centre car park and take me to hospital..

And he was not to blame for the big break - just one of those things - and I wouldn't have wanted it to have been anyone else....

Hmmm, unless of course it turns out he was trying to get me back for saying Richard Herring liked me better than him - when in fact despite Richard having spoken three words to me and only one to Jim, unbeknown to me until later, Jim went on to the casino with Richard and "hung out" with him...

Well I guess we'll never know...

And of course I must thank Anne for putting up with grumpiest man in the world (obviously due to having the sorest leg anyone has ever had in the history of the planet - according to him that is...)


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