As usual the journey is a bit fraught as I tend to get overly annoyed at my mum’s propensity for commenting on anything at all that she sees – and for suggesting how I might drive better. I shouldn’t get so annoyed at her of course but, somehow, I can’t help it. The highlight of the journey is when we are stuck in a traffic jam near Livingston for over 20 minutes and mum complains about the exhaust fumes of the bus in front asking “can’t you get away from behind it?” Hmm, let’s see, it’s a TRAFFIC JAM!!
On the upside, we do have a good discussion about last week’s Alice Cooper gig. Mum’s horrified re all the blood being spurted from a severed head over the first few rows of the audience. But, as Alice himself says, if you’re not laughing at an Alice Cooper show, there’s something wrong with you….
Despite the jam we make good time and arrive at 12:30 at Pat’s. She’s looking not too bad considering but seems to have lost a bit of weight (which isn’t great considering she was pretty thin prior to Charlie dying)….
She provides a slap up lunch – with a special veggie dish for me not knowing of course that I have once again turned to the dark side…
At 2, Anne and I head off into Glasgow and park up on the East Side and walk into town. We split up as usual and I head for, surprise surprise, the record stores while Anne goes around the clothes shops…
My shopping habits are pathetic…
I end up buying two CDs from FOPP which I could easily have bought at home – the new Soft Machine 2CD Retrospective “Out-Bloody-Rageous 1967-1973” and a two disc set of Uriah Heep which contains re-recordings by the current, and longest lasting, line up of the band…

Anne buys a new jacket from GAP and is chuffed with it. I am a bit depressed with my stupidity by the time we meet up again at 5 but Anne cheers me up and we go to a small Starbucks for a coffee to fend off the chill air….
Unfortunately, (1) there are no seats until we’re half way through the coffee and (2) the floor is filthy and I manage to drag my coat along it while trying to take it off without initiating any pain in my very sore left arm (I fail)…
Fortunately, we do eventually get a seat and the coffee is good. And, a young lady in far too high heeled boots manages to fall on her backside down the stairs – so that at least provides some entertainment – Starbucks thanks its lucky stars this is Glasgow and not New York – otherwise instead of saying “no no I’m sorry, I’m fine, sorry about that”, the stair-faller would have been intoning the mantra “I’m going to sue your ass!”….
We’re back at Pat’s by six and leave for home around 6:30, avoiding the roadworks on the return journey by taking the “slow” road from around half way along the motorway and getting back to Crispycat Towers to a delighted Meg the Black Cat in just over an hour…
A coffee with mum and then she’s away home…
A couple of days ago I remarked that religion was a load of tosh – and I stand by this remark despite comments and analysis by Norman Lamont on his blog ( - but both my mum and Pat do draw a lot of strength from their religion to help cope with their respective losses and so, despite centuries of torture, violence, persecution and war in the name of religion, it has its benefits…
I drive to the Taj Express for our usual weekend takeaway – veggie madras again for me - then Match of the Day (whilst listening to Soft Machine on the phones) and then bed…
Another busy Saturday…
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