Friday, March 29, 2024

Working through the frozen face...

Cloudland Blue Quartet - Dissolution IV
Spacelab - Dots and Loops
Spacelab - The Groop Played Space Age Batchelor Pad Music
Sebadoh - act surprised
The Church - Eros Zeta and the Perfumed Guitars
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Covers Eno & Roxy Remakes
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Covers BTs 2024
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Covers
Cloudland Blue Quartet - GLAM!
Cloudland Blue Quartet - GLAM! #2

Up just before six and writing this...

The nights are fair drawing out...

...started the day with some "Dissolution IV", then, catching up with the records played last night at Stu's place...

Today was a day for kind of creation...

I had noted five songs I do with Capital Models for which I have no backing tracks of my own to sing along to as CBQ - so, I set about creating them using elements of the original tracks...

By the end of the day, I had created "Here He Comes", "Cindy Tells Me" and "Julie With..." by Brian Eno and "Chance Meeting" and "Mother of Pearl" by Roxy Music...

The Roxy items utilise Bryan Ferry recordings - "Mother of Pearl" being based on the "new " version recently released on the "Mamouna" box set...

 I was particularly pleased with "Chance Meeting" as it combines elements of Ferry's 1976 re-recording along with some from the original Roxy Music recording from 1972...

The exercise also allowed me to discover we've been playing entirely the wrong chord sequences for "Chance Meeting", although it still sounds good...


As I "worked", the tree man came and took away part of the tree, sadly leaving a wee brown patch at its top...

Oh well...

Maybe it'll grow back...

The third last "Leverage" enjoyed at lunchtime - it was very good indeed - the one about the assistant and the IT guy from the record company kinda becoming Leverage agents without actually knowing it...

Made a nice change...

We have just two episodes left, having now watched 104 episodes across five seasons of "Leverage" and two of "Leverage: Redemption"...

That's 78 hours, with an hour and a half left...


Another hole will be left...

To the dentist this afternoon, two more fillings and a frozen face...

Back home, I decided to redo "Cindy Tells Me", which took an inordinate amount of time but I was pleased with the outcome...

The frozen face made it difficult to eat Anne's tasty omelette based tea but I, of course, struggled on...

As a consequence of all the backing track work today (and the dentist), and then deciding to sing through the five "new" songs this evening for posterity, I didn't get a chance to do anything re the podcast...

Not that anyone's waiting for it really...

To bed with the recordings from yesterday and today...

Highlight of the Day : Backing track creation...

Today's New Music:-

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