Monday, March 25, 2024

Meeting and compiling...

Reichenhall - Café Morgenstern
Rihm - Ensemble Works
The Rolling Stones - On Air
Mark Wingfield - The Gathering
Aves - Transformations
Hot Garbage - Precious Dream
Ben Frost - Scope Neglect
Boris Blank - Resonance
Space - Embrace the Space
MIZU - Forest Scenes
Various - This Week's Top 30 LPs on Shuffle

Ok, yesterday, what happened yesterday? (cos, you know, I'm writing this tomorrow)...

Up super late...

Into the old office for a meet re some techy stuff with some guys I've not seen for a good while...

Plans made, action required etc etc...

To Fopp and exchanged the already owned Neneh Cherry taken on Saturday in exchange for an already owned Prins Thomas the previous Saturday, for a Rolling Stones BBC archive disc whic I defin itley don't already own (turns out the download version has another 14 tracks over the 18 on the CD)...

A tram down Leith Walk and a wee trawl around there but nothing enticed and the weather was absolutely miserable...

Accordingly, home...

...and some "Leverage"...

Bringing the red books of CDs I own, up to date...

...and architectural reading and picture looking at...

Compiled my 100 LPs of the week this week...

Grandaddy remains No 1...

New Entries: Boris Blank; Elbow; Pan American & Kramer; PAP; Moritz Stahl...

Moving up: Caligula's Horse; Anchor and Burden; Fire!; Skyjack; This Celestial Engine; Everything Everything...

Week 12's Top 30...

Post Anne's Pilates, salmon, roast potatoes and peas for tea - Anne's peas going everywhere re a misbalanced put down of her plate re a call from her mum...

"Mastermind" and "Only Connect" in the background for me...

On the first semi final of "University Challenge", a paltry 85 scored - but difficult to get 10s when so many of the questions were buzzed in on before being read out to the end..

Not to worry...

More "Leverage"...

And that was about it for Monday 25 March 2024, with its Crispy lookalike on the calendar...

Highlight of the Day : Uptown for a meet and chart compiling...

Today's New Music:-

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