Sunday, March 17, 2024

Loudness and lamb...

Beethoven - The Masterworks
Anna Meredith - ANNO: Four Seasons by Anna Meredith & Antonio Vivaldi
Capital Models - 2024-03-17

Another busy Sunday...

Finished off the ripping of the 40CD Beethoven set...

Over to Paul's to pick him up and take him out to Roslin...

Capital Models' rehearsal today comprised playing through the entirety of our four current sets, due to be played live on 14 April and 4 May...

With a break midway through of course...

...for cake - still warm, courtesy drummer Johnny's wife, Moira...

Late afternoon to the hospital, where these adorn the corridor walls...

..and my mum adorns a room...

...with a blaring (and she STILL can't hear it) TV and no remote control...

Home for tea, lamb with salad...


The evening was spent editing the recordings of today's session and enjoying "Death in Paradise"...

Highlight of the Day : Rehearsing...

Today's New Music:-

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