Thursday, May 08, 2014

Someone's hanging up their boots...

Paul Buchanan - Mid Air
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Soundingfall
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Splinterheart
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Twenty Four Paintings (Details)

Lovely and sunny again...

We did not venture into the back garden...

...but walked instead towards town taking a light breakfast on the way...

Over the bridge...

...through the square...

...and retracing our steps from yesterday afternoon...

...back to the cathedral...

...and yesterday's conquered campanile...

Back inside...

..and downstairs to see the remains of previous churches and temples back to Roman times, over which the current house of worship was built...

...with its many artifacts...

I thought this might be the "finger of St John the Baptist" - I'd heard it was in Florence somewhere...

Don't think it was though...

The tour continued...

Here, the belt and braces of a medieval pope...

Back out through the doors...

...and into the sunlight...

We walked around the cathedral with the intention of climbing to the roof of the dome before our ticket purchased yesterday ran out...

The queue was just too long though so we gave up on that idea and headed away...

...finding ourselves back at the church (there are quite a lot of churches in Florence) we passed just after arriving on Tuesday...

To the Piazza della Indipendenza, where a cooling drink was partaken of and a call made to my mum back home to see how she got on with her second eye operation yesterday...

She reported it as having been worse than the first one but is hopeful of a full recovery...

To the Piazza San Marco...

...and a walk down Via Cavour...

...back to the cathedral...

...and on...

...back to the market...

...and on to Piazza della Republica...

...and home, to be greeted by this wee Crispy look a like...

..who may well have been the mum of "our" other wee cat...

Lunch at home...

...and some reading of his Blue Nile biography for Mr CBQ...

...before we set off again...

...towards the bridge...

...but, instead of over it, along the river bank...

...opposite the Uffizi Galleries...

...and on...

...and up the hill...

....stopping off in a rose garden...

...before arriving at Piazzale Michelangelo, where someone was making a film...

...and someone was taking loads of pics...

Shortly after this one, ice cream was enjoyed...

...before we made our way back down...

...stopping off again at the rose garden, enjoying some sculpture...

...and some fruit...

...and as we arrived back at the bottom of the hill, some discarded footwear...

We walked round the river to the Uffizi...

..noting, off in the distance, the hill we had just climbed...

Looked like the Bee Gees had been here...

Artists were in residence...

Back to the Piazza della Signoria...

Anne liked the cut of Bandinelli Faciebat's gib...

Turns out Bandinelli is the name of the sculptor and this kind of means "made by Bandinelli"...

The lions were nice too...

...and off we continued...

We stumbled across the lucky boar of Florence, Porcellino...

Back over the bridge...

...and into the English Church where a performance of opera arias was being rehearsed...

Around 8, it was time for dinner and a nearby pizzeria earned our custom...


Then, some prepping for tomorrow with a visit to the Piazza Pitti in the gathering twilight...

...before heading home...

Our daily walking is averaging out at around 10 miles...

Just as well, based on the amount of pizza, ice cream and alcohol being consumed...

Lights out...

Highlight of the day : The views from the top of the hill....

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