“Synaesthesia pt 4” from “Ampersand” (2002)
Cloudland Blue Quartet – Starlightnight
Sam Rivers – Crystals
The Ides of March...
An overcast day...

Thinking today the album is finished, now that these last two tracks, started on Saturday, are finished...
With Anne out at the ballet with chum Debbie, the proposed LP was blasted forth in the living room...

Cooking was undertaken...

Judgement was made and a return upstairs for some EQ based tweaking...
A text from brother-in-law Keith alerted me to the big band far-outness of Sam Rivers' 1974 opus "Crystals" which was duly downloaded and enjoyed to te max, also cleansing the CBQ'd palate...
A lift home for the Exec Producer followed by another “through the speakers as opposed to headphones” listening (having also listened in the car)...
Sounding like it’s finished...
However, never underestimate the executive producing of the Executive Producer, who opined that the song “Now Let’s All Have A Great Big Party” was “not liked”...
Hmm, the album is not finished after all...
But today was...
Lights out...
Highlight of the Day : Thinking the new album was finished...
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