Friday, March 16, 2012

In the pink, kind of...

Cloudland Blue Quartet – Track of the Day
“Ampersand” from “Ampersand” (2002)

Cloudland Blue Quartet - Starlightnight

Up at 6:30 and re-writing the last song for the album...

A much better lyric was produced, relating to the album overall and to the other new track produced over the last week, “The Actor Leaves the Stage” (also completely rewritten lyric-wise from “Now We Can Live Together For All Time” but that at my own instigation)...

It is called “The Actor Takes the Stage”...

I am liking it and am hopeful of its appeal too to the EP...

A forgetting scenario re glasses, led to the forced purchase of pink spectacles...

I now have six pairs of reading glasses...

Good skies today...

In the evening, recording the new vocals took a little time...

Then some remixing of the backing track too...

And the addition of a sample relating to the song, a nice finishing touch...

Following a break for the excellent “New Girl”, back to the PC and some finalising work...

Into the cans and off to bed, hopeful of a finishing touch having been carried out...

Highlight of the Day : A new song...

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