Various – This Is Reggae Music 1960-1975
Beethoven – Piano Sonatas
Conglomorate – Precisely the Opposite
Kate Bush – Anthology
Webern – String Trio
Various - Cloudland Blue Podcast 1
Various - Cloudland Blue Podcast 2
Cloudland Blue Podcast No 1 (61:19)
Featuring music by:-
Bela Bartok; David Bowie; Jacques Brel; Dream Theater; Johann David Heinichen; Andrew Hill; Allan Holdsworth; Edward Spark; John Surman; Martin Tielli; U2; Giuseppe Verdi
(You can listen here or download the podcast to your own PC by clicking on the icon immediately to the right of the end time indicator - I've tested it out and it took around 10 minutes - but I don't exactly have the fastest of connections...)
Up at 5:30 and to Tesco to pick up some food for Meg the Black Cat and some soup for lunch...
Back home, bollocksed around on the net while listening to more reggae (it’s wearing thin now after three days), some Beethoven and some jazz-fusion from Network, or rather Conglomerate – researched the Network releases to see which CDs were originally released under which band names...
Breakfast at home then rearranged (again) the classical box sets before playing through a couple of songs...
Had to buy a new pair of headphones for my jukeboxes as the Koss Plugs I have have gone to the dogs with too little sound going to my right ear...
Looked into loop websites for inspiration and spent a good couple of hours mucking about with those...
To no avail...
Realised the weekend was fast slipping away from me so decided to put together the podcast I’ve been thinking about doing for a while...
....which was fun to put together though my links could probably be better and I could probably give a bit more info about the music I’m playing...
Then off to Anne’s mum’s for the fortnightly family tea – no one’s birthday today but a splendid strawberry pavlova type thing was on hand for desert...
Ollie and Kitty are becoming obsessed with Keith and Maureen’s mobile phones and the games they provide...
Nephew Craig’s hair doesn’t get any better...
Brothers-in-law Keith and Bobby tried out some pilates moves in the hallway
Kitty waved goodbye to us all like a cheeky wee monkey as she left....
Back home and listened through to the podcast before deciding whether to post it up – created it at 64kbps which is possibly too low but I was trying to reduce the time required should anyone choose to download it...
And so there it is at the top of the post – please do take a listen...
Started work on issue two – the Jukeboxes have come up with the next twelve tracks using their random play mode and I’ve spent some time researching what to say about them...
A reasonably enjoyable pastime...
Highlight of the Day : first podcast completed...
Hurrah for the podcast Mr.CBQ. Enjoying your smooth tones. Love the Brell track. What Brel comp do you recommend? I'd love to get the performance of If You Go Away(sorry my French is terrible) that was doing the rounds on Youtube a while back. Thing is I don't know which album its from or even if it's available. So any help is appreciated.
Three days of the r music! Wow, how many spliffs does that require?
Hi Impossible Songs - you no I just say "no" to drugs...
Hi Sid, I have "ne me quitte pas" on a best of compilation I bought in Brugge which includes songs in French and Belgian, or rather Flemish...
I'll send you an MP3 to be going on with and more info on the LP once I've laid my hands on it..
Cheers for the kind comments re the podcast...
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