Siouxsie and the Banshees – The Scream
Elvis Costello - Get Happy
The Jam – Snap
Miles Davis – The Complete On the Corner Sessions
Jaymay – Autumn Fallin’
Tim Scott – Rarely fall
The New Odds – Cheerleader
Bob Marley – Legend
Various – Podcast from the Yellow Room VI
Track of the Day
The New Odds – Cloud Full of Rocks (3:45)
Up at the relatively late time, for a Saturday, of 8am...
Buggered about on the PC for a couple of hours – including burning the 5 disc box of Miles Davis’ “On the Corner”, in a vain attempt at creating space on the hard drives...
I was supposed to be meeting Dr Prog at 11 at the music library but I as suffering from a bit of a hangover so called him at 10:30 to advise I wouldn’t make it...
Turned out he was still at home too, so we pushed the meet back and I enjoyed a breakfast of orange juice, bagels and coffee with the exec producer...
Walked down to the bus and alighted at the West End, walking up past the weekly farmer’s Market below the castle...
After the library (the main man of which delighted Dr Prog by ordering a box set of Haydn’s Piano trios for his future collection) we made our way to Uncle T’s for a coffee and a roll and a chat...
Post refreshment, we arrived at Avalanche via richer Sounds and a Computer Peripherals shop, Dr Prog lighter of pocket due to 100 CD-Rs and a video cable and my having spent £1.99 on a headphone adapter...
I bought three CDs for £5 on the basis of their covers (suitably quirky/entertaining), the origins of the artists (NY, Texas and Vancouver), the instrumentation (and the price of course)...
A call from Anne advised she now had custody of nephew Oliver and I ought to make my way home so that we could entertain him...
My journey back was annoyingly delayed by Rugby Tubes (© CBQ 1991) making their way to the Scotland Italy match...
Finally met up with Anne and Ollie and we drove over to Fife to partake of some ten pin bowling...
An hour’s delay before we might get a lane led us to leave the alley and head to the Odeon where we paid a horrendous amount of money to gain entrance to the 3D version of “Bolt”...
The 3D glasses were free – although we paid £2 each extra for the 3Dness of the film...
What a great film and what work must’ve gone in to making it...
Certainly had me laughing and crying and I thoroughly enjoyed it....
Of course the number of children in the audience did make putting up with the non stop munching and slurping and going to the toilets a bit of an ordeal and, as we stood in the queue waiting to get in, I thanked the Great Architect I don’t have kids as I looked around at the faces of many of the adults, who’d probably been working hard all week and who now had to spend their Saturday in a constant state of consumption with their annoying offspring...
Oliver was the best behaved child in the place of course – what a delightful polite wee boy he is – Jane and Bobby have brought him up very well indeed...
We drove back to Edinburgh through the rain and returned Ollie to his parents, where we found Hearts had beaten close rivals for third place in the league, Dundee Utd, 1-0 in Dundee while Queens had drawn 1-1 with Clyde in Cumbernauld – four games unbeaten now but still only 7th in the league (but only 3 points off fourth)...
Back home and Anne created a very tasty lamb casserole as I listened to the new purchases, all three of which turned out be successful additions to the collection, CD Nos 5,310, 5,311 and 5,312 respectively...
We were disappointed to find “Moving Wallpaper” wasn’t on the video we’d recorded last night as STV decided for some reason not to show it...
Late doors, I decided to solve my Hard drive space problem by buying another one, this time with 1,000 Gigabytes...
“Match of the Day” ended an eventful Saturday...
Highlight of the Day : Bolt – unplanned but what a great film...
Hi Dave,
Just a quickie - you asked to be told when I have a gig? Was just asked to do another support slot at Leith Folk Club this Tuesday at 8.00pm. Give me a shout if you need more details -
(Not sure if this went through, so sending it again in case it didn't)
Hi Martin
mailed you back privately but in case you didn't get it and are checking here instead - I'm intending going along to OOTB tomorrow - if I don't get a slot I will pop down to your gig. If I'm not there in body, I'll be there in spirit...
Best of luck with the gig!
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