The Violet Archers - Sunshine at Night
Esbjorn Svensson Trio - Tuesday Wonderland
The Violet Archers -
For an upcoming trip, I need to renew my passport earlier than expected as the destination insists a certain amount of time left on the current passport...
Of course this is ludicrous and calls into question the point of any expiration date...
Anyway, of course I must comply and so a new passport photo was taken today at lunchtime...
This is a reasonably important photo as it will represent my identity for the next ten years - until I'm almost 60 years old...
I think I've fared not too badly since my last pic in 1999 and both later photos appeal to me more than that from 1989, where I was still struggling to accept ongoing massive hairloss!!

Top: 2008 v 1989; Bottom: 1999 v 2008
Played football again tonight - a new game for me on a new, bigger pitch and 8 a side with no chance to have a "rest" by going in goal...
No goals but set up two or three with my crafty dribbling and passing skills (ahem)...
Consequently quite knackering but in a good way - unlike being on a treadmill or a cross-trainer...
Later on, watched the end of Italy beating France then a taped season finale for the very good "Reaper" - looking fwd to 2009 already but mostly for TV reasons..
Sad man...
Highlight of the Day : More football playing
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