Sparks – Angst in My Pants
Rock & Pop Jukebox on Shuffleplay
At my desk in the offices of The Man at 5:30 I received a call from colleague Margaret who had been out drinking this afternoon with her chum Georgine just round the corner and wanted to know if I’d join them for a drink...
Against my better judgement I accepted and the three of us sat outside at Gusto on George St enjoying some fine white wine....

I texted Anne to say I’d be home soon...
On the way to Haymarket we stopped in at the new wine bar which opened last week next to the excellent la P’tite Folie restaurant...
And so it was that I finally made it home around 8:15 feeling a little untoward following the old wine on an empty stomach intake...
Spent the rest of the evening watching TV, including the last in the series of “Law & Order : Criminal Intent”...
Anne insisted on an early night due to tomorrow’s wedding shenanigans – the fact that I have been appointed photographer is really only now, the night before, sinking in and trepidation is entering the frame – Anne’s brother and his new wife may hate me for the rest of their days if I screw this up...
Wish me luck!!
Highlight of the Day : White wine – good at the time – bad decision in hindsight...
I was certain I spotted you on Friday night.
This probably sounds dead stalker-ish, but I saw you heading along George Street in a very "I'm-going-for-a-drink" sort of a way. I would have said "Hello," except I was stuck on a hot, stuffy west-bound Stagecoach #55 headed for Fife.
What are the chances?!
If it was at the very West End of George St it could weel have been me in pre-inebriated mode...
We were drinking outside Gusto...
You should've jumped off and joined us - it would have downgraded the average intake, allowing me perhaps to have arrived home less the worse for wear...
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