David Bowie - iSelect
Carzy Wisdom - The Reptile Tapes
Various - CDs Acquired in June
Five years on today from the Sunday my dad died...
However, I must confess that, until my mum called me and reminded me what day it was, I wasn't concious of the date...
It wasn't that I had forgotten, just that I hadn't put two and two together...
A slight frisson of guilt and then I knew my dad wouldn't have given a hoot...
Anyway, in honour of the old man's memory, here's me impersonating him yesterday in a snazzy short sleeved shirt...
Prior to my mum's call, I'd cycled to the grocery store for a couple of rolls for breakfast along with a newspaper with a free David Bowie CD - 12 personally selected tracks with his own notes on each...
That was after watching last night's "Dr Who" again and the "Bad Wolf" episode from 2005 and reading up on all sorts of nonsense about the Daleks on the internet and generally wasting my time...
Retrieved the mic and stand and a few leads from the loft to start the recording process for my next album - tomorrow sees the release of volume five of the anothology - half way through...
No lunch but a lovely piece of Impossible Daughter Emma's birthday cake from the party last night with some tasty coffee - mmm mmm...
Listened for the first time in years to Crazy Wisdom - some great stuff there by Malcolm Logan and Charlie Dootson whom I've not see for ages - with excellent keyboards from the one and only Count Brodski...
To Anne's mum's for tea where we watched the first half of the Euro final between our faves, Germany and everyone else's faves, Spain - back home for the goalless second half and to see Spain deservedly take the title 1-0...
I lost £2 on my bet re number of goalless halves - in the end there were 19 and I needed twenty just to break even - it did give me an interest in every game though...
I'm sure we finished off the day watching something on the telly - oh yes, the new Kelsey Grammar vehicle - before heading to the land of nod...
Here's to you dad...
Highlight of the Day : Call from my mum...
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