Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Obstacle after obstacle, that is the way...

Cloudland Blue Quartet - Bartok Tbilisi Syndrome (Demo)
The Nau Ensemble - The Eternal
Capital Models - 2022-11-20
Capital Models - Anthology 1979-80
Mozart - Le Nozze de Figaro arranged for String Quartet

Well, what a long and annoying, stressful day...

In relative terms of course, my life is quite comfortable really, as regular readers will know...

Up early, to work...

Still getting to grips with everything I need to do re the new system...

...but still found some time to create...

I worked further on the Bartok experiments from Monday night, finding and adding Field Recordings made in the Georgian capital, Tbilisi...

I thought the Bartok stuff was fairly rubbish to be honest but the addition of the Field Recordings and the chance juxtapositions they produce, makes for reasonably interesting listening - and so, this morning, two very evil sounding slices of ambience were created...


Post breakfast and with Anne off to Zumba with Lynn and Sheila, a long phone conversation with Creeker Craig re what needs to be done re the proposed change from his "all singing all dancing but no-one ever visits it" website to having merely point to this here site...

Various stressful scenarios were discovered and are now weighing heavily on my mind...

It's all on hold till I sort it out at my end but Craig is ready to push the big red button...

Just before 1, at exactly the same time as yesterday, when I was away at the football, the man from DHL arrived with the two new hard drives...

It was cold in the house...

Anne arrived home and lunch was enjoyed...

My concoction was radishes and courgetti spaghetti... 

We watched Germany throw away their opening match, going down 2-1 to Japan...

Back to work re transferring all the music on the old laptop's C Drive to the first of the new 4TB drives...

Whilst doing so, listened to The Nau Ensemble's 1998 interpretations of the music of Joy Division...

...followed by the new CBQ thing...

...the move of files proceeded...

Tasty tea from the Exec Producer...

All evening, the transfer continued...

We watched Canada miss a penalty and, despite being clearly the better team than 3rd ranked in the world, Belgium, they lost 1-0...

We watched 5 contenders for the RIBA's house of the year with Kevin McCloud...

Of those, 2 were chosen, one we agreed, one we did not...

As the transfer continued to continue, some Mozart in the back room...

This is “The Marriage of Figaro”, arranged, in 1799, for string quartet. Such arrangements of opera were fairly commonplace at the time, allowing people to enjoy the music in their own homes. The radio or CD of the day so to speak. Lovely…

Towards midnight, after around 7.5 hours, the transfer was almost complete...

I headed for bed shortly thereafter, leaving the system doing this and hoping against hope, all would be well in the morning...

I think you can guess the outcome...

Highlight of the Day : New hard drives, mmm...

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