Thursday, November 24, 2022

A day of two halves...

Cloudland Blue Quartet - Bartok (Demos)
The Neal Morse Band - Morsefest! 2021 (Night 1: An Evening of Innocence)

Thursday and up and to the machines for more attempting to save the day...

The big transfer of music from the old C drive to the new O Drive was done...

But, it did not end well as regards actually playing any of the tracks anymore...

Mucho stress but, hey ho, not the end of the world, I suppose...

Only 9 years of work down the pan...

Turns out this...

...which was to have been the consolidation onto the new drive of copies of all the tracks on iTunes which are spread around 8 external hard drives...

...can't be done...

Whenever it hits a particularly long file name it just stops - and it doesn't tell you the file name...

And, on iTunes, all of the songs transferred yesterday are still pointing to the old C Drive...

The forlorn view from the back room as I considered just how much work it will take to get things back on the new laptop to how they were on the old...

This had always been my fear of what would happen...

Seems I was right...

On the upside, Anne's next painting has commenced and I added the WAVs of the latest mixes of the Bartok thing, including now the Tbilisi Field recordings, to Anne's old phone, for mobile listening...

...while trying to get iTunes to find the missing files...

All of that pre breakfast...

...during which, we listened to said new Bartok thing...

On Monday night, Anne opined it "wasn't music"...

Now, playing it again with the Field Recordings added, all of a sudden it's deemed "quite good"...

Field Recordings eh?  Gotta love 'em...

Then, disaster, after two hours of iTunes searching for tracks, this...

Oh well, at least I have removed all those tracks from the old C Drive and "only" 97,300 of them remain unplayable at present...

I might just use Windows Media Player from now on...

Problems too, as regards how the laptops are registered with Microsoft...

But, I was off out this afternoon so, leaving all those problems behind, I headed down the hill, soundtracked again by the Bartok thing...

Into town, through Charlotte Square to George St - various items on the recording fooling me into thinking they were happening around me, as I walked along to ace Brazilian eatery, Fazenda...

...for a slap up feed and a nice bottle of Argentinian red with erstwhile work colleague, Luke...

Good times!

After two and half hours or so of eating, drinking and being merry, back along George St and a quick half at Mathers, before we headed for our respective buses...

The beast was out and about forgetting about its computers...


..where Annie was a-painting...

...and had been a-baking...


An evening of snoozing on the settee, again missing a Professor Fry show and drifting in and out of Brazil beating Serbia...

Once awake, ironically, off to bed...

A day of two halves...

Highlight of the Day : Fazenda...

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