Friday, September 09, 2022

Still in the game, kind of...

Capital Models - 2022-08-27
Capital Models - 2022-09-08

Up late...

...and just time to edit last night's session and send the link to the MP3s to the boys in the band...

Couldn't quite get it to go onto my phone before having to leave so, listened to the previous session instead (by way of a "rehearsal" for tomorrow), as I walked down the hill...

...and took the airport bus into town...

...for breakast at my old office with my erstwhile colleagues (for whom I still do the occasional piece of work)...

Then, a bus trip to just outside Kirkcaldy in that Fife... Cluny Games (I think!)...

We split into three teams for a couple of hours of enjoyable mucking about...

...comprising, Segway riding - much better than expected...

...and I managed not to fall off...

Then, clay pigeon shooting...

I thought I was doing well to get 6 out of 12 but the overall winner, chum Alex B got 12/12...

Further chums CK also got 6/12...

...and Janine, 11/12...

Here, our targets, or pieces of them...

Other intersting debris was also pictured on our way to frisbee golf...

...which was also fun...

..followed by soup and sandwiches for lunch...

...and prize presentations for best and worst at each event...

Shooting - Alex B and Alex W respectively...
Frisbee Golf - Sandy and Sarah...
Segway - Barry and Raymond...

Back to base on the bus...

...for some drinks and then, at 4:30, to nearby Gusto for a long leisurely dinner...

My choices, pate, sea bass and cheesecake...

Here, the superb sea bass...

I exited around 7:30, not too the worse for wear...

Bus home...

..and a walk down the hill... Crispycat Towers where Anne and Lynn awaited...

Some chat pre Lyn's exit and then, to avoid the wall to wall Queen nonsense, three episodes of "Elementary" - although I missed the end of the third and it'll need to be re-watched...

Prior to bed, managed to get last night's session onto the phone and so that soundtracked my drift into the land of nod...

A good day...

Highlight of the Day : Out with old chums...

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