Wednesday, September 07, 2022

Enjoying something, even though you yourself are not very good at it anymore, is good...

Lucifer Cast - Lucifer Seasons 1-5 (Original Television Soundtrack)
Brian Eno - We Let It In (Single)
Jeff Russo - The Man Who Fell to Earth (Original Series Soundtrack)
Cloudland Blue Quartet - 387 V (Remixes)
Ludivico Einaudi - Reimagined Vols 1 & 2
The Bad Plus - Never Stop II
Taylor Swift - Evermore
Capital Models - 2022-05-14 Live in Roslin
Roxy Music - Siren

Up and, for the first time in nine weeks, writing this for yesterday (and doing so again tomorrow re today - if you follow)...

It wasn't too early...

The neighbour's cable must be edited away...

This is better...

Downloading new music from Brian Eno and from two shows - one which has entertained and one which is entertaining...


Around 10, post breakfast, out and down the hill with the EP - for Anne a meet up with chum Lynn in lieu of Zumba - a long leisurely lunch awaited...

For me, to the office I left at the end of June, to do a modicum of work, for which I will be handsomely paid but to also carry out some research re our own investments which must last us till we die...

The beast was about its business...

At lunchtime along to the east end...

...and Fopp...

Where music was perused but not purchased...

Six of these eight can be easily downloaded (the two comps of Italian and French music cannot)...

Given I don't really, really want the ones that can be downloaded easily, and given, when I buy a CD, I merely rip and file it and listen to the resulting MP3s, unless I actually want to have "the thing" what's the point in buying?

This is how the music business has gone to shit because of the internet...

But, over the last 50 years, I have given an absolute fortune to the music business...

Left for home around five...

It took a disappointing 80 minutes to get home...

...which is why being retired is good...

Out to the five a sides...

Another enjoyable game, although your correspondent was "shit" - the sides were a tad uneven though, it must be said...

Oh well...

When I was a minute away from the venue, I realised I'd forgotten to dress in white as instructed (I was in black)...

I borrowed this Germany top from a much slimmer footie chum (also Dave)....

It was less than flattering, which this pic, thankfully, does not record - although it does record my hopeless 63 year old face...

Back home, as my tea was cooking, a slightly better one was secured...

Very tasty pasta things with ricotta and pesto and a sprinkling of parmesan and black pepper was very much enjoyed...

The day ended with the shockingly bad but we can't stop watching "Shetland", followed by two more episodes of "Elementary"...

Off to bed with Roxy Music in the cans...

Another good day but I'm glad I'm retired...

Highlight of the Day : Football, even though I was shit...

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