Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Into the storm...

Various Composers - Music from the Era of Pieter Bruegel
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Gewitter
EABS - 2061

Up at 6...

Still dark...

The screen awaited...

Wrote this up

And, I found some music from the Low Countries from the late 16th Century and it accompanied breakfast...

Back up to the room and two crows were watching from over the way - they flew off just after I took this...

I've been having trouble for a while with my delay unit so looked up the manual online and found how to sort it...

This, in turn, spurred me onto firing up the old Yamaha CS5 again...

I recorded four tracks - two trials and two intended tracks - using the 4 second delay directly to the recorder, creating new WAVs that I could work with...

Then I packed up the gear...

...and worked out a modus operandi for the creation of the final tracks...

...thus abandoning the previous idea I spent hours on the other morning re the synth pieces from 1989...

As I worked, Anne left for a LLL (Long Leisurely Lunch) with chums Debbie and Teresa - getting the two of them in the same room at any one time is a feat in itself...

I took a break for my own soup and sandwich based lunch and watched some "The Man Who Fell to Earth", while a package arrived for Anne - a jaunty, unpictured, T Shirt...

After 3 episodes of "TMWFTE", I returned to the machines for more work...

Just before Anne arrived home, I'd created a new two track LP, incorporating the storm recordings from earlier this month...

But, as I listened back, I began to doubt the second track....

More work tomorrow I think...

Meanwhile, Anne's boat is emerging on the page...

Putting music to one side, it was time for more football...

The teams were a bit one sided but it was good to run out winners by a margin of 10 goals...

I even managed to hit the post on one of my rare forays forwards...

Home for an improvised tea by my own hand - onion, mushroom, red pepper, Quorn mince, peas, spring onion, Lee & Perrins Sauce, some tomato puree and a sprinkling of Parmesan...

Very tasty indeed...

The final episode of "Shetland" was as rubbish as the rest of the series...

Then, two "Elementary" before we retired...

A fruitful day...

Highlight of the Day : Musicking...

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