Various – Blue Note Rare Grooves
Alice Cooper – 40 years 1965-2005 (4xCD-R)
Music Music Music – What’s a Good boss Anyway?
Styx – The Best of Times The Best of Styx
Pet Shop Boys – Love etc
The New Odds – Cheerleader
Soft Cell – Cruelty Without Beauty
Another frosty day...
The new One Terrabyte Hard Drive arrived from e-buyer...
I now have enough hard disk space, counting the PC, the two external hard drives and the four jukeboxes, to have over three and a half years of continuous music (24 hours a day, seven days a week) without hearing the same track twice – that is if I had 37,600 fifty minute CDs – which I don’t...
This evening, Anne was out at Niece Kitty’s Dance Extravaganza, where mothers and fathers, who really ought to have more sense, have paid good money to send their barely out of babyhood kids to Dance Classes on a Saturday morning and now pay more money to go along and watch the, mostly awful, results (I’ve seen last year’s DVD)...
Always a good night out though...
When my nephew Andy was wee, we had to traipse along religiously to every piece of musical theatre or play he appeared in and, I suppose, it was quite good...
And the kids of course love it – as I remember doing so myself as a pre secondary schooling youngster (and indeed secondary schooled youngster)...
My first performance in front of a paying audience was as a Black & White Minstrel singing “Little Brown Jug” - with my face caked in Hot Chocolate powder...
So, anyway, I unpacked the drive and re-jigged the computer table to accommodate it – then pondered what to put on it...
I’m thinking all the non-programme docs from the PC’s C Drive which, if I do transfer and then delete, would allow me to fully clean up the programmes there and further delete all unwanted stuff...
Of course I’ll probably never do this and, over time, the new drive will no doubt fill up with nonsense...
Then, I watched some stuff on YouTube including the new PSB single, PSB at the Brits, The New Odds, Jaymae, Uriah Heep live in 1975, Alice Cooper doing “School’s Out” on TOTP back in ’72, various versions of Styx’ “Mr Roboto” (spurred on by a comment left by Mr Stuart Cobley on yesterday’s entry) and the lovely Fiona Apple...
Ms Apple inspired me to commence the compostion of a new song - tentatively entitled "You Lied About Everything (You Promised Me Was True)"...
Work on that beckons over the weekend...
Anne returned with tales of funny and cute dancing and then, once we had located and brought home the wayward Meg the Black Cat, we were off to the airport, accompanied by Soft Cell, to pick up sister Pam and drive her to my mum's house...
The dynamic duo are off for a wee break next week over to Loch Lomond - Pam was in good form, as usual, despite recovering from an 8 week long viral malaise...
We showed mum how to use her new DVD – “Oh son, when I try to watch the Abba DVD it only plays the first track and just keeps repeating it”...
She was watching the menu...
Home just after midnight...
Highlight of the Day : New stuff...
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