Various - The House That Trane Built
Miles Davis - The Best of Seven Steps 1963-64
Morse/Portnoy/Gilbert/Bissonette Yellow Matter Custard
Neal Morse - One
Neal Morse - Testimony
Yello - Flag
A quiet night again as I tried to rest my sore throat for the upcoming gigs....
I can't believe how long this cold is taking to go - although it's now just morphed into a horrendous cough and a razor blade sore throat...
The throat pain goes in waves from "moderately sore" to "excruciatingly sore"....
So I rehearsed 80% of my set without singing...
To cheer myself up I watched a "Law & Order" on video, "CSI Miami" live and "Grumpy Old Holidays" which we've been watching now for around three or four weeks but I don't think I've mentioned it before...
Like its predecesors, "Grumpy Old Men" and "Grumpy Old Women", I find myself agreeing with almost every single observation that's being made...
I am Mr Grumpy....
Before posting this, I was trying to think of a picture to brighten things up, so I compiled a collage of 100 covers of albums I like...
However, after hitting the "collage" button, I experimented with the button marked "multi-exposure" and was presented with the picture below, which I think is rather good....
A prize to anyone who can tell me the names of at least five of the albums whose covers have gone into the creation of this outstanding piece of modern art...

Inspired by this discovery, I then created another multi-exposure work using all the pictures I took on Sunday morning as I drove to Patisserie Florentin and back - and here it is...

I like it..
Highlight of the Day : Any five minute period where my throat wasn't too sore...
Cheers Stu - the sweets sound a bit tastier than drinking clumps of raw garlic...
Haven't a clue about the first one but I love the second one which I've right-clicked and saved as my desktop wallpaper! More please
Thanks Sid
The second one is a multi-exposure of all the photos (except the self portraits) of the journey to and from Patisserie Florentin on Sunday, which I posted below as a collage
Wondered if you'd read the comments Ms L and felt a bit guilty - but yes you're right -i have a sore throat and you dont't...
hey DDHR, which bit of software are you using for these multiple exposures?
Hi Mitch - glad to see you're still visiting the tales of my mundane existence!!
It's Picasa - A free downloadable programme which recognises all picture and video files on your hard drive and helps you organise them.
It has the facility to make collages and these can either be multi image i.e. a big square with lots of wee square photos included; a pile of pics, which looks like a pile of old polaroid photos scattered around the collage; or multiexposure - which puts each pic on top of the others.
These were my first attempts at multi exposure but you can see examples of the other two collage styles throughout the blog.
The picture above with the blue sky "V" in it, is a multiexposure of all the photos shown in the collage on the previous Sunday - around 50 difernt photos piled on top of each other - in a "scum" stylee....
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