Then, as previously arranged and leaving Anne to enjoy “Judge John Deed”, I headed out into the night with James Jamieson, stopping by his place to pick him up...

I had fully intended to play at out of the Bedroom tonight but I hadn’t had enough time to rehearse any songs and time was against me in any case...
Jamie and I finally arrived around 9:30 – I’d have needed to be there around two hours earlier to be sure of a slot..
We stayed for around an hour which included the first break of the night which allowed us the chance for a chat. Strangely there were only three people in the whole room whom we actually knew – David O’Hara the sound man, Chris Brown the compere and “Big Jim” who was manning the CD desk. There was good crowd in though, around 40 or so...
Two acts stood out for me of the few we saw, David Maxwell, an electric guitaring singer songwriter with a nice line in melancholia and a very young duo, Callel, whose guitar work, melodies and harmonies were just the thing Jamie and I like in an act at OOTB...
Here’s a collaged pic of the room tonight...

Then back into the car and along to the art college to see Lindsay West....
The venue is quite busy and we spot a number of OOTB stalwarts around the room. Unfortunately we’ve not only missed Lindsay West but also Lindsay Sugden and Andy Thompson and are left with the less than entertaining sound of Eagle Owl, an electric guitar/vocals and violin/mandolin/melodica duo who are occasionally joined by a young lady on double bass...
They’re like a not very good version of Sigur Ros without the imagination...but fair play to them, they are doing what they believe in and that’s not to be criticised – it’s just that what they’re doing isn’t to my tastes (although Sigur Ros are...)
Here’s the scene...

Our third venue of the evening is The Left Bank, where Jamie and I were supposed to have played a couple of sets last summer but I had a fall out with the manager of the club and ended up declining their offer to us to perform....
I caught a couple of songs from Ross Galloway before heading home. Jamie stayed behind to watch William Douglas and his band...
Here’s an “atmospheric” shot of Ross on stage....

I made it home at 11:59 and crawled into bed....
Highlight of the Day : A night out with Mr Frain
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