Thursday, December 08, 2005

Everyone needs parameters...

25 years today since John Lennon was murdered. I remember I was working at a small school in Germany and didn't know anything about it until I entered a classroom and someone had written "John Lennon ist tot" on the blackboard...

He wasn't my favourite Beatle but the manner of his passing was dreadful and I well remember the wailing and gnashing of teeth which followed...

If people were truthful though they'd acknowledge he was well past his sell-by date re relevant music, his then just released album was MOR pap - which of course sold by the bucketload following his death...

For me Lennon was never as good as when he was having his parameters set by McCartney, whereas McCartney was perfectly capable of writing classics on his own...

Anyway, what did I do today? well I re-compiled and burned Calling Card #4 and gave it a couple of listens - will probably go with this second draft...

Loaded 5 Cds of Vivaldi Concertos onto the Jukebox..

Dr Prog called to very kindly offer me the use of a portable stool for the Porcupine Tree/Robert Fripp concert I'll be attending in Glasgow tomorrow. In fact I won't need this as, upon phoning the venue, they advised they'd supply me with a wheelchair...

This sounds good - but I won't really believe it until it actually happens...

A three way MSN Messenger conversation with Stu and Craig of Creek leads us nowhere other than to keep us in touch. Craig is going to provide me with more Edward Spark music for me to remix in a CBQ stylee. Not even started on the stuf ES gave me last time yet...

Bought more stuff on the net today for Anne's Christmas..

Off to the hospital tomorrow to get my stookie changed and to try and find out for how much longer I can expect to be out of action....

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