Then out and up to Bruntsfield to get a bouquet of flowers for Anne's sister, Jane. It's her birthday party tonight round at her house...
To a deli at Cannonmills and we purchase two lovely cakes and some lovely bread and while Anne goes to Tesco for Cat Food and Litter I do the dishes and prepare lunch..

Afterwards it's back to the computer and a frustrating afternoon trying to get the multitracking recording studios working...
Anne gives me updates on the footie while I work, and get more and more annoyed...
Scotland lose 1-0 and so are finally out of the World Cup...
I shut down the machines and take a break...
Then I fire them up again and for some reason, clarity takes me to the gubbins of the system and I sort it within a couple of minutes....
But by now there's no time left to do anything as it's time to go to Jane's party...
Much drinking and a huge chinese meal for the 14 attendees - not counting the kids, Ollie and Kitty, who manage keep Jane and her husband, Bobby, nice and fit by making them run up and down the stairs to investigate the various cries and coughs transmitted to the dining room via some kind of baby-listening walkie-talkie device...
My advice would be to switch it off and leave the kids to it... but then I am not a parent...
Home in a taxi by 1:30..pished
A frustrating day, disappointing football (which I didn't watch), a moment of clarity and an enjoyable evening...
Another Saturday gone....
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