Various - Last 10 Months' Acquisitions on Shuffleplay
Various Composers - An Introduction to Classical Music (2CD-R)
Spent much of the first part of the day on one of my many unfinished projects - that of rearranging the music on my various Creative Jukeboxes...
When all is said and done it's a colossal waste of time...
It seems a lot of my time is wasted because I cannot stop buying and acquiring more and more music...
The early afternoon was spent fixing the PC again after a further viral intrusion...
Thereafter, I set about compiling an introduction to classical music for brother in law Keith, as requested by him a week or so ago...
So, I tried to include most forms of classical music, overture, oratorio, symphony, concerto, sonata, lieder, chamber and 20th Century...
Very reasonable if I say so myself...
And we all enjoyed listening to it, Meg taking it in turns to snooze with Anne...
...or read poetry with me...
The book in question, a collection of Seamus Heaney, was presented to me two weeks ago by Sid Smith when I met up with him in Newcastle...
My favourite so far is "Whatever You Say, Say Nothing", originally from the collection "North" published in 1975...
With the discs burned and listened to and a cover drawn up, it was off to Anne's mum's for a tasty family tea of thai chicken with coriander chutney...
Back home and two episodes of "Scott & Bailey" entertained followed by a rather mawkish documentary "The Day John Lennon Died"...
Off to bed hoping for no more viruses tomorrow...
Highlight of the day : Compiling
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