Capital Models - 17/6/11
Capital Models - 22/3/11
Alice Cooper - Old School 1964-1974
Alice Cooper - Discography 1971-1973 (5LPs)
I forgot to unset the alarm last night, or rather, this morning when I retired around 3...
As a consequence, I was awoken at 7 by The Today Programme...
Up around 7:30 and it was pouring so I decided just to stay in all day...
Meg the Black cat had pinched the hot seat...
Started the day with a couple of hours of sorting out the CMs recording from back in March which had remained unlistened to until Thursday night..
So that recording, plus a slightly revamped edit of last night, are now both up over on the CMs site...
Bought tickets for me and Exec Producer to see Alice Cooper in Glasgow on Halloween...
Watched the second hour of the Box Set DVD then listened to all four CDs included therein...
Two discs of "Treasures" and the "In Their Own Words" spoken disc are really for hard core fans only (which you would expect for the price, of course) - much of the content would probably be unlistenable to the non-Coop fan but even they would surely revel in the live disc from 1971 - a band at the top of their game and about to be feted as the best in the world...
For me, there are indeed some genuine treasures included...
While many tracks would be deemed sonically questionable by non-Cooperites, it was great to hear, for example, the original eleven minute version of "I'm Eighteen" before it was honed and polished down to a three minute hit single by the Coopers, in conjunction with Bob Ezrin, on his first ever producer appointment...
Of course it sent me back to the original LPs - "Love it to Death", "Killer", "School's Out", "Billion Dollar Babies" and "Muscle of Love"...
A call from Count Brodski mid afternoon advised there is to be a Record Fair next Saturday and that we ought to attend...
A night of Prog is also on the agenda for me, Brodders and Dr Prog...
In the evening, whilst surfing on the TV, I came across a funny film called "Mean Girls" and watched it til the end...
I did not realise until the credits rolled that I'd been watching Lindsay Lohan playing the main character...
I have often seen stories about this troubled young lady advertised on the front pages of tasteless, pointless magazines for the mindless...
Back upstairs around 10:30 and just listening and surfing before heading for the land of nod...
Looking forward to Annie's return on Monday...
Highlight of the Day : Very expensive but previously unheard Alice Cooper stuff...
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