Dream Theater - Black Clouds and Silver Linings
John Foxx - Metamatic
John Foxx - The Garden
Gould - American Ballads/Foster Gallery/American Suite
So that's May gone now too...

The foundations of the new houses are down...

They are very expensive but will be very close together...
Uptown, two John Foxx albums, once owned on vinyl, were bought in HMV...
This nearby seagull entertained...

On the way home, I was befriended by this old dog...

I tried to find its home - eventually an even older couple was encountered on the pavement with a shout of "there you are Brier" and the dog was happily back with her family...
I was relieved - the ten minutes or so spent wandering around trying to find where it had come from was accompanied by thoughts of what I might do if I failed in my task...
These trees entertained...

At Crispycat, the second last parcel (for now) from e-bay contained Morton Gould works - mainly arrangements of famous American tunes - apparently arranging was his forte...
Calls to sister Pam and to mother Mum...
The next Capital Models session is kind of underway, in that we are all trying to get a date on which we can all attend...
Seems a lot harder than in 1980 when we lived to practise and play...
Tasty chicken from the Exec Producer, who then worked on tasty chicken based soup for the upcoming days...
"CSI" entertained...
As did Stewart Lee on Youtube - inspired by trying to get tix for his upcoming Fringe show...
This is my favourite ever clip, with which I agree absolutely and completely i.e. 100%...
If it offends, there is something very, very wrong with your literary judgement...
Highlight of the Day : Helping an old blind dog find its home...
Wow, I was only playing "Underpass" (although it's funnier if you sing "underpants") from John Foxx's Metamatic in the pub on Saturday. And then confusing the other pub-goers by playing "Fade To Grey" followed by "Being Boiled" which, as you know, are a couple of my faves. One woman was so convinced that BB was FTG that she sent her husband over to the jukebox to check the name of the track. Ha ha, one-nil to me I think :-)
Ha ha I always sing "underpants" too...
Rather undermines Mr Foxx's poe faced delivery (although I've nothing against poe faced deliveries)...
A pub with a jukebox? Now there's a novelty - much better that a sport spouting TV any day!
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