TV21 – Snakes and Ladders
Various – Last 12 Months on Shuffleplay
J S Bach – Various Works
J S Bach – Brandenberg Concertos
J S Bach – Cello Suites
At lunchtime today I noted a drastic drop in prices at HMV to almost Fopp-like proportions...
Many, many CDs now at the buy because they’re just so cheap price of just three of your English pounds...
I noted a box of the complete works of Johann Sebastian Bach reduced from £191 to £40...
So, on the way home, I battled through the storm which hit Edinburgh today...

...back to HMV and purchased said box with some of my “birthday money” which has been languishing in the bank since May the fourth....
With all trains in Central Scotland cancelled due to the wind, the buses were full to the brim and the traffic was more congested than a congested thing from the planet Congestion...
I made my way to Waverley Station with the intention of boarding an Airport bus at the terminus...
The weird weather produced these two views around two minutes apart...

To avoid the congestion, I took a 41, richtung Cramond, and enjoyed all the Bach pieces currently residing on the jukebox from various CDs purchased over the last 12 months or so while the bus took me “round the houses”...
Count Brodski alighted half way through my journey – appearing as if by magic from the upper deck...
Communication with the Exec Producer led to a welcome lift from around a couple of miles from home and we were soon back in the warmth of Crispycat Towers and the company of Meg the Black Cat...

I unwrapped the new box and settled in to give it a listen, starting with the first two discs, the Brandenberg Concertos...

...comparing the new box with my Complete Mozart set...

Towards the end of disc one, a shout went up from the ground floor...
“There’s a mouse in the house!!!”
Now, it’s a number of years since Meg the Black Cat has brought any wee beasties into her home, which she kindly lets us share...
Last time, catching the mouse and depositing back into its natural habitat (or the end of our front path as it’s more commonly known) seemed a simple task, involving a discarded Pringles Tube...
This new beastie was a little more energetic and led your correspondent a merry dance indeed around the living room...
Here it is behind the carefully moved TV...

It was cute but very wily...
From there it ran under the fire and, while being able to be seen from in front of the hearth with the use of a torch, was rather reluctant to come out and enter into the Pringles Tube...
So we had to just leave it and hope for the best...
Dinner enjoyed, phonecalls with Sister Pam, mother Mum and sister Sheila, a Tivo’d “Glee” and off to bed, hoping not to find a cheeky cat and disembowelled mouse tomorrow morning...
Highlight of the Day : New box, cute beast...
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