Cloudland Blue Quartet - Aftersilence
Bad Lieutenant - Never Cry Another Tear
Great Lake Swimmers - Lost Channels
Editors - In This Light and On This Evening
Sumner McKane - What a Great Place to be
Justin Rutledge - Man Descending
The National - High Violet
Up late at 7:45 and to work on the notes for the song based disc of the new compilation...
Down to Corstorphine just after ten for breakfast at Cafe Citro before heading out in to the country, to Innerleithen, in the Borders via a picturesque “B” road...

Our target was Traquair House and we arrived just before noon...

We toured the house, the oldest one in Scotland which is still inhabited and learned about the Stuarts’ troubled past, caused by their stoic allegiance to the Jacobean and Roman Catholic causes down through the centuries...

In the Traquair Brewery, four different types of beer were purchased while, in one of the craft bothys, jewellery was purchased...

Lunch was enjoyed...

We toured the gardens, including the maze and the swings (which were swung upon by an overweight over fifty year old and his lovely young wife)...

We saw the animals...

We walked up to the Bear Gates which will remain locked until a Stuart king once more sits on the throne of the UK...

In total, around four hours were spent exploring before we drove on to Peebles...

...where a tome on classical music was purchased for 50p before we took the “A” road back to Edinburgh...
Tesco was visited re provisions then we enjoyed the sunshine in the garden, with a book, some beer and Meg the Black Cat...

In the evening, more notes on the selected songs before the last part of “Exile”...
I’ll never be 51 again...
Highlight of the Day : A stately home...
Stuart's troubled past indeed! I was done for speeding Tuesday in the Borders! And no chance to opt for the school of speed you had. Anyway, you should visit Abbotsford House next time, Sir Walter Scott's gaff. Nice.
Happy Birthday dude, sorry i forgot!
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