Cloudland Blue Quartet - Aftersilence
CPE and WF Bach - Symphonies and Concertos
The Czars - Discography
Two hours sleep last night due to
(a) a rumbling generator on the nearby building site and
(b) what sounded like a squirrel scrabbling around in the attic
I was up from 2 am
(a) Outside trying to find out where the noise was coming from and then calling the police to try and get it stopped (to no avail of course - "yes we hear the sound, no there's nothing we can do") and
(b) Peering into the attic from the top of the ladders - every time I opened the attic door, the scrabbling stopped - fiendishly clever these squirrels
Amazingly, the Exec Producer slept through all of this to awake at her normal uptime, to find a rather tired and grumpy Mr CBQ on the morning of his 52nd birthday...
I drove round to the site...

...and was apologised to and assured that the generator would not be left on overnight again...
On leaving the site, I noted this lovely tree which, no doubt, will soon be gone...

Back home, breakfast and card opening...

Some more work on the new LP before we headed into town on the bus, enjoying the view from the top deck...

A change at the top of Leith Walk...

...onto the number 22...

... down into the heart of Leith... The Kitchin at 12:15 to celebrate my birthday, using a present received for Anne's back in January...

A quite exquisite meal was enjoyed, along with a rather expensive bottle of Vino Rosso from Sicily...

An "Amuse Bouche" of cock-a-leekie soup with tasty bread was followed by Asparagus/Ox, Pork/Pork, Rhubarb/Rhubarb...
Mmm, mmm...

Then, along to The Shore Bar for another bottle of wine...

...followed by a wee cappuccino each...

Out into the late afternoon sun - we liked this cheeky seagull...

..and, around 4, we were heading back into town... Princes Street...

..and home...

..walking down through the trees, some of which may soon be gone...

Not too bad for an old codger - and the stupid wee beard is coming along nicely...

We'd picked up the recently delivered mugs - a nice present from myself...

All in all, another good birthday...

I've not aged too much over the last five years...

..just over the last two...
The evening was spent recovering from the day's alchohol intake...
Late on, I wasn't best pleased to find the generator had been left on again...
However, on retiring after "CSI" and "Glee", it seemed to have been switched off at last...
Highlight of the Day : Birthday lunch at The Kitchin...
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