Various – Natural Progression Vol 2
Various – Natural Progression Vol 3
Slade – Slade Alive
Slade – Slayed
Slade – Old New Borrowed and Blue
Marc Almond – Stardom Road
Various – The Sound of the Seventies
Eric Clapton/Michael Kamen – Edge of Darkness
The Heavenly Music Corporation - Variations
Laura Nyro - Stoned Soul Picnic
The next three of a goodly number of purchases from e-bay arrived today – all bought from The Tesco Outlet...
Just as well I’ve been de-boxing all my home burned CDs, as all three required new boxes due to very sticky stickers having been stuck on the cases to advise I could not return them to my local Tesco Store...
Mentioned in my feedback they might want to rethink the sticky stickers...
The music though, is good – a disc by Marc Almond, a collection of 70’s hits, some of which, unbelievably, I did not already have – and a best of Igor Stravinsky which, at the time of writing, remains unplayed...

£1 to £1.50 each...
Excellent Sea Bass Fillet on a Bed of Cherry Tomatoes and Chorizo this evening from the fair hands of the Exec Producer...
Then, best programme on the telly continued tonight, “The Shadow Line”...
Post this creepy, taught, tense, thrilling viewing, no sooner had I mentioned to Anne that its feel put me in mind of the mid 80’s BBC classic “Edge of Darkness” than I was on the net, downloading the Kamen/Clapton soundtrack...
The 3” CD Single is going for silly money on e-bay – I have a cassette in the attic bought at the time...
Not only that but I ended up purchasing the series on a 2DVD set for just three of your English pounds (and free postage)...
Ah, the modern world eh?
Also enjoyed the two tracks (“The Edge” and “Darkness” geddit?) from my 1986 recording, “Variations”, which feature samples of said soundtrack, played on a Casio SK1 sampler...
25 years on...
I bet the series will turn out to be rubbish when/if I watch it again...
Off now to watch "Question Time" and "This Week"...
Highlight of the Day : The Shadow Line...
Best way to get "sticker stickiness" off jewel cases (and all sorts of other things) is to scrape off as much as possible, then soak residue with a good spray of aerosol polish (Mr Sheen or somesuch) and scrape/rub off again - the polish cuts through the glue like magic (even if you do need 2 or 3 goes)- since I discovered this there's never been a case I couldn't clean up. It even works on glossy covered paperback books!
Cheers Paul
Will Need to try that with the one which arrived today - The Ultimate Curtis Mayfield no less...
or Mr CBQ.....a little bit of Eucalyptus Oil will get rid of it....but use it sparingly. The cases will all smell of oil if you go crazy
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