CBQ & SGP - Black Earth & the City Falls
Very pleased with yesterday's creation - the short version is the real track methinks while the original is the "12 inch" version so to speak...
Up early and out with the Cloudland Blue Mobile to the garage for its first service...
As long time readers of this nonsense will know, I hate Arnold Clark with a vengeance...
However, after a slight problem on arrival at the desk, today went swimmingly and the Exec Producer was on hand to pick said mobile up later on, having received a lift from chum Lynn - lender of excellent SF DVDs to your correspondent...
Those two musketeers spent the pay redecorating in Anne's mum's house following a rather messy installation of a free new central heating boiler and sytem re her being considerably older than Mr CBQ...
Your correspondent had a much less interesting day which did not switch to relaxation mode till gone 9pm...
A tasty pasta dish sustained...
At 10, tonight's Tivo'd "Glee" was enjoyed followed by "Newsnight" (and the travesty that is "Newsnight Scotland"), then bed...
Not the best day ever...
Highlight of the Day : Glee
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