Paul McCartney - McCartney
Paul McCartney - Ram
Paul McCartney & Wings - Red Rose Speedway
Paul McCartney & Wings - Band on the Run
Paul McCartney & Wings - Venus and Mars
Soundtracked by early Paul McCartney again today as the third month of 2010 drew to a close...

As I made my way home, the overnight snow was starting to disappear on the hill...
To the gym this evening and my time for 5 miles was my best so far - 43:22 - at that rate I could do a marathon in four and a half hours...
Ha ha - I'll never do that of course - called it a day at 45 mins and 5.25 miles...
I didn't go to the gym last night due to chronic knee pain which, in full old-wive's-tale-stylee, seemed to have been affected by the damp weather...
Back home, watched the first half of Arsenal v Barcelona (2-2 at the end I think) before retiring upstairs to listen to music, write this and attempt to upload some WAV files for the Sour Grapes in Oz...
Highlight of the Day : Best time so far...
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