Devics – The Stars at Saint Andrea
XTC – Apple Venus Vol 1
Frost* - Milliontown
Kino - Picture
Yes – Anthology (2CD-R)
Fripp & Eno – (No Pussyfooting)
Takemitsu – Chamber Music
Miles Davis – Bitches Brew
CBQ – Acoustic Set
Morrissey – Southpaw Grammar
The Bad Plus – Live at the Jazz Café June 2008
Up at 6:45 and, while listening to The Devics and XTC, watched the first part of the repeat of “Match of the Day” from last night, as it featured the Sunderland v Arsenal game...
Did the dishes to the modern prog sound of Frost, then surfed the net for a while, in particular, in order to read the rave reviews of Queen of the South’s thrashing of Livingston...
While looking for more 12” singles to put onto a CD for Chris, I decided to tidy out the cupboard in the computer room (again)...
This is it after the tidy...
Funny how I can recognise many albums merely by the site of their spines...
Recorded the two Win 12”s I have to mini disc and played along on the old geetar, inspiring a new chord sequence, perhaps another new song now “Blend” is finished, writing-wise...
In the afternoon, watched the repeat of “Merlin” – still rubbish...
Then worked on the transfer of the Bad Plus concert I taped off Radio 3 in the summer – a few glitches to be removed via judicious editing...
Unable to resist Anne’s shout of “Indian” – went and collected – Vegetable Pathia for me – hot and tasty – but we’d had no lunch so not too bad...
Watched the results show of “Strictly Come Dancing” followed by the series finale of “Mutual Friends” - left conveniently open for a possible return – better than “Merlin” anyway...
“Match of the Day 2”, featuring a particularly impressive performance from Chelsea and an excellent comeback from Liverpool, was followed by the penultimate “Harry & Paul” – brilliant – especially things like the “Organic Grocer” piss take...
A little bit of Graham Norton with Eddie Izzard and The Simpsons’ Harry Shearer..
A last session on the PC saw the purchase of the latest Devics album for a couple of quid – coming from the States though, so probably a couple of weeks’ wait...
Lights out...
Highlight of the Day : Busy doing nothing...
Win! I do remember them with fondness. The single you have, was that not used to advertise lager? Not sure what! Tennents possibly. The album "Uh Oh Tears Baby", I think that's right was very good. Whatever happened to Davey Henderson?
Yes indeed Mr Sillars - Win's single was used to advertise McEwan's Lager I think - in an ad featuring people pushing a large ball of stone around an impossible MC Escher building...
Henderson went on from Win to the less commercial Nectarine No 9 and, more recently, The Sexual Objects...
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