Hank Mobley – Another Workout
Various – Rock & Pop Jukebox Shuffleplay
John Coltrane – Trane’s Blues
City and Colour – Sometimes
Cloudland Blue Quartet – Blend
Various – Last 100 CDs on Shuffleplay (1,438 Tracks)
Breakfast accompanied by Mr Hank Mobley from 1961...
Everyday these days, as The Today Programme on Radio 4 wakes us at 6:45, it’s dreadful news from all around the world...
Better buy more CDs before all my money disappears into the bottomless pit created by Mr Gordon Brown in his years as Chancellor and his stupid, stupid attempt to defy the natural economic cycle (which he of course referred to as “boom and bust”)...
I reckon there ought to be trials for crimes against humanity for idiot politicians who tamper with the workings of the market, allowing others to take advantage of the ill thought out changes in legislation to do things which they really ought not to be able to – like conjure money out of thin air...
See this article...
An extract...
“...bankers only did, usually legally, what they were employed to do – make money for their companies.
They operated in an environment of abundant cheap credit provided by central banks, and within a framework designed by politicians and administered by regulators.
There was no secrecy about the huge rewards they received for their creative financial operations, and shareholders acquiesced in those rewards and the means used to earn them.
They catered to the demand from those eager to go deeper into debt to deliver immediate satisfaction, to finance greedy speculation, or to seek higher returns from investments whose risks they didn't understand.
What bankers did was foolish -- but they did so with the connivance or even active assistance of those in a position to stop their nonsense.
Now we are engulfed in the resulting mess....
Who was in charge when the bankers earned mega-bucks?
In Britain prime minister Gordon Brown, who managed the financial system throughout what he now calls "the age of irresponsibility," has rescued a couple of lesser banks whose business practices were least defensible, even though their bankruptcy presented no systemic threat, to shield his weak and incompetent administration from flak.
His government now outrageously plans to eventually recover the cost of such rescues from surviving mortgage banks that lost business to their now-bankrupted rivals because they pursued more responsible policies....”
The man is an idiot – has always been an idiot – will always be an idiot – like all of “New” Labour, his lack of principals and integrity in the pursuit of power and popularity has left us all undone, even those of us who’ve not borrowed to the hilt on (now, not-so) cheap credit, are left wondering about the safety of our hard earned savings, accrued by living within our means (in a, dare I say it, Thatcher stylee), even though said savings merely sit in an everyday bank account...
I called Brown an idiot but I’m afraid there are no words to express the bottomless contempt I feel for this man...
And so to FOPP again at lunchtime – where else is there to go? (apart from HMV of course)...
No purchases...
In the evening, chatting to Anne as we listened to City and Colour, reminding us of our stay on the shores of Tabor Lake, already more than a month ago...
Godson Ansem Sonnenschein and his dad Jorg arrive tomorrow lunchtime from Germany for a six day visit so, tonight, we set up a makeshift bed in the music room...
We have a bed settee – but it’s the most uncomfortable bed-settee in Christendom, as sister Pam would probably testify – so, instead we inflate an inflatable mattress and add a couple of downies and some sheets – looks so snug I fancy a night in it myself...
As Anne watches TV, I enjoy a Radio Cloudland session featuring my last 100 CDs bought/acquired...
Not so tasty was the noise from our neighbour's boiler which became apparent as we tried to retire around midnight - they've evidently had it "fixed", which means that now, instead of the on-again-off-again rumbling, we have a continuous vibration which permeates our house - the floor of the computer room is the only place it doesn't reach - and so it is there I spend the night in a sleeping bag, on the floor...
In my own home...
Highlight of the Day : Preparing for a visit...
1 comment:
hi, thanks for the good wishes. I could possibly believe in God some day weather permiting but as for big prudent Gordy and his white haired henchman - never.
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