The Bad Plus - Motel
The Bad Plus - These are the Vistas
The Bad Plus - Give
The Bad Plus - Suspicious Activity
The Bad Plus - Prog
The Bad Plus - For All I Care
The Bad Plus - Blunt Object Live in Tokyo
Yes - The Definitive Yes Story (DVD)
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Blend
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Ersatzreal Companion EP #1
Count Brodski's Fifty Album Compilation on Shuffleplay
Yes - Discography on Shuffleplay
A Bad Plus day on the jazz jukebox...

Home alone tonight as Anne was off with chum Michelle to see Bryan Adams, the groover from Vancouver, in concert in Glasgow, before spending the night in a hotel, possibly his, probably not...
Consequently I could do what I wanted...
I cooked...
A tasty pasta dish using:-
groundnut oil
a large onion
some kind of spicy powder of which the name eludes at present
tomato puree
chopped tomatoes
veggie mince
red wine
a tin of peaches - oh yes, a masterstroke indeed...
I watched "Dispatches" re the ongoing financial crisis and just how bad it's going to get - which by this account is pretty bad - and I'm afraid I must concur...
At 9, the return of "Spooks" but it's being recorded while Anne's away so, instead, I settled down to watch a three and a half hour DVD of the story of one of my all time favourite bands, Yes...

At 1 am to the PC to write this and listen to some of my own music:-
Blend Remix
Chocolate on Your Bread (an earlier version of the song which became "The Golden House" on "Ersatzreal")
I'm Waiting for the Man (Velvets cover)
Virginia Plain (Roxy cover)
Waiting to Die
The last of these is available via the link to download my music for free...
Continued into the night with a shuffleplay session of the fifty albums I gave to Count Brodski for his 49th birthday back in August...
I mentioned the other day, I’d been “tagged” by Mr Avenues and Alleyways...
Staying up very late has given me the opportunity to respond to said tagging...
There are six rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they've been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
Ok so here's the link to Avenues and Alleyways...
The rules are set out above...
Here are six random things about me:
1. I was up to my knees in quicksand at the age of around four and had to be pulled out by a housewife who came to my aid after seeing my plight from her kitchen window. It was probably just very deep mud...
2. I will NEVER clap along at a concert...
3. I was (I believe) conceived at Butlins in Ayr in the late summer of 1958 and returned there on holiday with my parents in the very early sixties. The aroma of the Ikea restaurant near Loanhead reminds me of the aroma of the dining room at Butlins in 1960/61/62...
4. I once attended a post video shoot party thrown by Marc Almond of Soft Cell. The video was for the single “Torch”. I was on my way to Paris with Anne...
5. In the mid-90’s when I had my shop in St Mary’s St, I was having a drink in the World’s End Bar when who should come in but Alistair Darling. I approached him as he held court in front of his young acolytes and asked “Mr Darling, are you a socialist?”. “Yes” he replied, proudly. “Buy me a drink then” I retorted. Suffice to say he declined my request...
6. Often, the very last thing I think before I fall asleep is “I’m going to have to die one day - what a bummer”...
I'm now tagging Sid Smith, Impossible Songs, Norman Lamont, Jim Park, Peri Urban and Martin Lennon...
I will now leave a comment on each of their blogs telling them they're tagged...
None or all of them may well continue this nonsense...
Finally, I will let Mr Avenues and Alleyways know I have carried out my tagging task...
And so I have stayed up later than I ought to have...
But I could do what I wanted...
Off to bed with more Yes on the cans (and Brahms)...
Highlight of the Day : Staying up very late indeed...
I liked the song, but it sounds a bit like the onset of depression.
I did like the music and I understood the "feeling"
Ah - but at the end the protagonist is, in fact, NOT waiting to die...
Mind you, I seldom know what my songs are about...
My favourite line is "your 20s, 30s, 40s well they all just passed you by..."
Thanks for the kind tagging - will get round to it once I can find six bloggers.
What about forming a Sombre Reptiles tribute band with us? (I may have been drinking...)
A Sombre Reptiles Triburte band eh? An intriguing proposition - mind you that's probably what CBQ is....
1. I was always really freaked out by film/tv scenes of people dying in quicksand. usually in stuff like Tarzan (1960s Ron Ely series aired, as I recall, throughout the '70s).
5. What was the name of your shop in St Mary's Street?
6. It's certainly not a complaint, by any stretch, but I often wake up and (momentarily) can't remember how I ended up at 37, married with two kids and all this responsibility etc etc etc. It's like I fell asleep last night aged 20. A strange phenomenon.
5. Reptile Records (as in Sombre Reptiles)...
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