The Bad Plus – For All I Care
Various – October Singles
Bartok - String Quartets
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Blend
A day of creation which, ultimately, proved unsatisfying...
The Bad Plus started the day as they ended yesterday – a splendid album...
I compiled a CD of “singles” from albums acquired during October...
In the morning post breakfast, we toyed with the idea of going to a wine emporium to put together a case...
In the end we decided against it and so, instead, I painted...
I selected Bartok’s string quartets and took a canvas to the attic along with my paints and brushes and proceeded to lay down the first foundation of “Untitled #9”...

Which is blue...

When looking at this please remember the old adage “fools and bairns...”
After lunch – once again Anne’s excellent lentil soup – I retired to the PC room to re-record the vocals on the new CBQ song “Blend”...
I also added in some percussive sounds and then worked on a remix...
All in all around five or six hours’ work, either side of dinner, on a four minute song...
Dinner was very tasty indeed - a new addition to Anne’s canon, home made fish pie, featuring smoked haddock, prawns and cod...
Burned four versions of “Blend” to disc – the original “lost” version from last month, my attempt to recreate it, including slightly dodgy vocals, today’s version with the “good” vocals and today’s remix...
Of course eventually a day like this becomes one of not being able to see the wood for the trees...
Anyway, the version with the new vocals for listening or downloading is now available via the link to download my music...
Let me know if you get past the first minute...
Stephen Fry in America and "Match of the Day 2" rounded off the day...
Highlight of the Day : Painting and recording...
Loved it. I wouldn't have thought it was you until quite close to the end though. I could almost hear someone like Radiohead doing that, but they'd want a big drum intro halfway through with loads of bass and farty guitar.
Really good song. Bravo.
Yes I did well not to call Phil Ciollins for one of his Cadbury Dairy Milk drum breaks...
Thanks for your v kind comments Marty!!
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