Concerto Koln – Box Set
Various – Number One Singles MP3 DVD
Up early and the, by now, usual breakfast, featuring Ansem and his amazing Cheerios consumption – three plates today...
Not to worry...
Out and off into town where we parked in Chamber Street and headed to the National Museum where we enjoyed ourselves for a couple of hours with Ansem especially taken by the racing car exhibition...
We all took turns to be an astronaut...

We also saw Dolly the Sheep...
In the quad of the University, Ansem and I had a race to see who could run around it the fastest – we each took 22 seconds but he got it down to 20 on his second attempt – my body wouldn’t consider a second attempt and I admitted defeat...
Then to the picture shop, Jorg having obtained the necessary measurements from home...
Three pictures were purchased for transport back to Deutschland then we went back along to Head Records to allow Jorg to buy one last CD, an early Humble Pie album...
A light lunch was enjoyed at Café Topaz...
...before we headed back to the car and dropped off the pictures and carried on up to the castle...
Pictures were taken and walls were climbed upon...

...then we wandered down the Royal Mile, enjoying a bagpiper...
...and street performance by an escape artist from Detroit...
Back home and our final dinner of the visit was an enjoyable (more enjoyable than mine from last night anyway) pizza each from the St John in Corstorphine...
After Ansem had retired, the three of us sat in the living room chatting whilst enjoying many of the tracks from an MP3 DVD of UK No 1 hits – highlight of the night being Anne’s rendition of the school disco dance to Mud’s “Tiger Feet”...
Highlight of the Day : Anne does Mud
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