David Gilmour - Live in Gdansk
Glasvegas – Glasvegas
Various – Classic Trance Anthems
Dave Gahan – Hourglass
AC/DC – Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
Stars – Set Yourself on Fire
Sparks - Exotic Creatures of the Deep
Françoise Hardy – If You Listen
Stars – In Our Bedroom After the War
Young Marble Giants – Colossal Youth
Polytechnic – Down Till Dawn
Alice Cooper – Along Came a Spider
Uriah Heep – Wake the Sleeper
Sparks – Angst in my Pants
Coldplay – Viva La Vida
Nico – The End
Dream Theater – Systematic Chaos
The Clash- The Clash
Free – Free
Lindisfarne – Fog on theTyne
Elbow – The Seldom Seen Kid
The National – Boxer
Kensington Prairie – Captured in Still Life
No-Man – Schoolyard Ghosts
The String Cheese Incident – Inside Outside
Morrissey – Greatest Hits
Given the chance, how many versions of "Comfortably Numb" will I take?
As many as I can get evidently as I downloaded ex-Pink Floyd guitarist, Dave Gilmour's new live album in the early hours of the morning...
The 50 album playlist soundtracked again as I hobbled around town with my crocked right ankle after last night's footie..
Back home to a present from Chris-with-a-Ch of Morrissey’s Greatest Hits...

Of course this set me off on a Morrissey spree, ripping all his albums for upload, while Motherwell exited the UEFA Cup, to leave Queen of the South as the top scoring Scottish side in Europe so far this season:-
Queen of the South 2
Glasgow Rangers 1
Glasgow Celtic 0
Motherwell 0
Hibernian 0
So who are the diddy team again?
Trimmed down my proposed acoustic setlist (that’ll probably never be played live anyway) to 11 songs from 21, and bored my pants off singing bits of them...
I am so uninspired at the moment...
It doesn’t help listening to the Glasvegas album (at chum Spike’s insistence), which, while being quite pleasant in a music-by-numbers chord sequences with sub-Proclaimers Scottish accent vocals and Jesus and Mary Chain production values kind of way, gives me such an overwhelming sense of deja-vu, that it grates all the more that this group is deemed by the so-called cognoscenti to be “the next big thing”...
The Exec Producer's excellent casserole and mash and broccoli brightened up an otherwise flat day...
And, thanks to Anne’s eagle eye when reading the annoying minutiae I publish here, a P.S. to an entry from a couple of Sundays ago when we thought we heard a large explosion mid morning...
We did indeed but I forgot to explain...
Later on that day as we drove into town to pick up our holiday photos, we passed a block of flats, or rather the rubble that was once the block of flats, called Broomview House, in the Sighthill area of Edinburgh, and it was this demolition that we had heard....

See the video footage here (it takes a wee while to load) which is the official version - here's a local resident's eye-view...
The guy who you can see in the official film, pushing the plunger, had lived in the flats since they were built 40 years ago...
So there you go...
And, nearby, the college where Anne and I met 28 years ago now stands as an empty shell, all its innards and windows removed, waiting too for the developers’ dynamite...
Highlight of the Day : Anne’s cooking...
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