No-Man - Schoolyard Ghosts
Skids - Scared to Dance
John McLaughlin - Industrial Zen
Purcell - Instrumental Music
Elliot Sharp - Interference
Up early and Anne left for work leaving me with the German boys...
We had a good breakfast involving several cereals and chocolate spread on toast...
Ansem went out to play with his new football and came back without it, having blootered the ball over the 15ft high hedge into the old college grounds...
We went to retrieve it through a hole in the fence - mission accomplished but now Meg the Black Cat had gone missing...
We hung around for nearly an hour until she wandered in from who knows where - then we were off down the road for the bus - day tickets for the Germans and me using the trusty Ridacard...
In to Haymarket then back out in a slightly different direction to Gorgie, where we enjoyed a good long visit to the Gorgie City Farm with its chickens, turkeys, ducks, goats, pigs, sheep, cows, horses and small animals and birds - and a red tractor...

Back on the bus to Princes St, where Jorg and I insisted on letting Ansem see the inside of HMV before we bought some sandwiches for lunch and relocated to Prince St Gardens - where the boy enjoyed the playground and the squirrels...
Another bus - this time to Tollcross, from where we walked for (what seemed to Ansem like) a couple (of hundred) miles to a ceramic centre in Marchmont...
Here, Ansem chose a dragon and Jorg and he spent a good few hours painting it together - Ansem doing the main work with Jorg in charge of the intricate bits...

Meanwhile I took several extended walks around the neighbourhood, seeing the Argyle Bar where I had a residency in 1982 playing my own strange music - wouldn't happen today...
I bought a couple of cards and sat in The Earl of Marchmont enjoyed a coffee, wrote the cards and read up on the "End of the World as We Know It" - before posting them...
Finally the dragon was finished, paid for and left overnight to be glazed and fired and the trio set off for some more record shops (though we of course lied to the boy and promised it'd only be one)...
In Head, Jorg bought an Elliot Sharp CD of weird and wonderful improvised jazz and I contemplated but disregarded a 4CD anthology of Cheap Trick...
On to Record Shak, where I chatted to owner Dave Gas, for whom I worked at Ingliston Market over 25 years ago, selling the tapes from his shop - I purchased a CD of Purcell instrumental music from various operas - Jorg browsed jazz to no avail and Ansem sat on the floor, complaining about wanting to go home...
Another bus down to Princes St and we alighted once again, crossed the road and went to Hamley's Toy Shop in Jenners, where, after a long argument about what would or wouldn't fit into a rucksack, a Lego racing car was purchased...
Being so close to FOPP we had to visit - Amsem complained "tell me you're not going to look at more CDs" - but we were...
Stacks of new £3 offers, mainly EMI and Virgin back catalogue and i came a way with The Skids' "Scared to Dance"...

Then we walked along Rose St, finally catching a No 26 bus home to Anne's very tasty child-friendly meal of chicken and chips - with green beans for healthiness...
Ansem built his car and played with it in all possible areas of the house before going to his bed, leaving the adults to chat and listen to newly purchased music...
Highlight of the Day : Seeing Edinburgh from a different point of view...
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