Various – Jukebox Shuffleplay
Dexter Gordon – One Flight Up
Various – Last 100 Cds
Various – Breakdown Very Best Euphoric Chillout Mixes
While I brought home the bacon, Anne spent the day in her dressing gown on the settee in front of the fire – still under the weather and putting my own paltry symptoms into perspective...
Despite her illness, she still managed to make what must go down as her best soup ever (to date) – a very, very tasty lentil and tomato hybrid – mmm, mmm...
Just as we tucked in though, there came the sound of the cat flap flapping and a manic entry into the room by Meg the Black Cat, small mouse in jaws...
As ever, she dropped it, awaiting our appreciation of her hunting skills, whereupon the mouse darted under one of the settees and Meg was firmly banished to the dining room behind closed (but, tantalisingly for her) see-through doors...
The settee was up-ended, the frightened beastie was collected into an old Pringles tube, kept for precisely this situation and which replaces the perfectly good but now reticently used pint glass which we used to use to transport small beasts back to the outside world...
Outside in the evening frostiness, the poor wee mouse was rather reluctant to evacuate the crisp-tube, hanging on by its tiny claws...
Eventually, it emerged, checked its surroundings and bounded off into the undergrowth...
The rest of the evening passed off uneventfully as we watched the goggle box virtually all night:-
Last night’s “Moving Wallpaper” and “Echo Beach” – a great add to our regular viewing...
....two episodes of “Coronation St”; tonight’s “Moving Wallpaper” and “Echo Beach”; “Al Murray’s Happy Hour”...
Also called Dr Prog and wished him a good New Year – tomorrow we will trawl the music library and Anne advises she saw a poster the other day advertising a Record Fair...
Count Brodski has also been informed via voicemail...
Highlight of the Day : Anne’s soup/Saving a small creature
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