Electric Light Orchestra - Eldorado
Franz Ignaz Beck - Six Symphonies, Op. 1
The king is dead, long live the king....

After spending far too much time last night researching a new camera on the net to replace my twatted Kodak, I ended up just going to Princes Street and buying one off the shelf...
My research had led me to a Casio camera but I couldn't find it in stock anywhere in Edinburgh and so, in the end, I plumped for a Samsung S830, which, in keeping with my miserly ways, was reduced to less than half price...
I visited Virgin and contemplated John Coltrane's album "Coltrane Jazz", even going so far as to call Anne at home to check whether I had it already...
I don't have it - but the moment passed and I went next door to HMV and on an impulse bought two discs of 18th Century symphonies instead...
One by Franz Ignaz Beck and one by Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf....
Back home I had intended to listen to both of these discs whilst enjoying a nice glass of red wine...
However, I got caught up in the new camera and ended up mucking about with it for longer than expected...
CDs, records, books, box sets...

The garden...

Then telly - "Coronation St", "A Place in the Sun : Home or Away" and a double bill of "Ugly Betty"...
Ended the day with Mr Beck's symphonies...
Highlight of the Day : New camera...
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