Rheostatics – Horseshoe Tavern 29/3/07
Cloudland Blue Quartet – Rarities MP3 CD
Various – The Dr Prog Years
Various – Holiday Hits Vol 18
Krommer – Oboe Quintets & Quartets
Rheostatics – Best of
Allan Holdsworth – Touching On
King Crimson - FraKctured
Various – Pitchfork’s Best of 2006 (see links)
Various – Downloads from Destination Out (see links)
Made a cover for a Rheostatics 3CD set downloaded and burned recently...
Listened to the 5CD set (not all of it) I made up for old chum Dr Prog in March for his birthday – we were meeting him today for the first time since then and I was finally going to be able to give the discs to him...
Took the bus into town and we met up with Phil (Dr Prog) and Jacquie at Hi Thai at the top of Leith walk for a buffet lunch where Phil and I dined with his brother John on the day Scotland beat France in the Euro 2008 qualifiers and we went to see Jon Anderson & Rick Wakeman at the Playhouse....
The food was good and we heard tales of P&J’s trip to new York including Phil’s visits to the Village Vanguard and the Blue Note clubs...
After lunch we made the long walk down to where we’d parked the car last night, before I'd decided I couldn’t resist the lure of far too much to drink....
We didn't park in the canal - we just passed this scene on the way to the car...
This little boy, playing with a home made bow and arrow reminded both Phil and I that we had had just such items when we were boys but had totally forgotten that fact until we saw the lad...
We drove back to Crispycat Towers for coffee and biscuits and more chat, including the plots of The Tinder Box and The Singing Ringing Tree...
I took Phil and Jacquie home and then relaxed to the sounds of Mr Allan Holdsworth before we watched a show with Rolf Harris in which three artists painted portraits of Bill Oddie and he had to pick one to hang in his house...
Then “Dr Who” from last night – and the best story (by a mile - apart perhaps from the living scarecrows) so far this series ...
A comment on Thursday’s story of the pear destroying my camera, by one “Big Balls Barrabus”, led me to Youtube to see an intriguing timelapse film of Edinburgh...
Then “Coronation Street”, a taped and great as usual “Law & Order : Criminal Intent” – blog write up and finished the day with “Seven Ages of Rock” featuring The Velvets, Bowie, Roxy, Genesis and the Floyd...
Great stuff...
Highlight of the Day : Lunch with Phil & Jacquie / Dr Who
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